2012/12/02 18:05:16
Big Tuna
Anyone boat fishing for eyes,off Snodgrass.Years ago I cruched them of silver buddies,and sonars. I fished till near ice up. I hear the lakes very low,so lauching may be tough. With the eye population on the up swing I know where they should be,just a matter of getting there.
2012/12/02 19:53:51
Big Tuna, I was at the lake this weekend, it actually didn't look bad, still a little bit low but definitely higher than a few weeks ago. I did not see anyone fishing in boats but there were a couple people on the causeway and a few people fishing the rocks at the spillway. The lake was calm and looking great, I have never fished it this time of year and was actually thinking of wading the spots I did in the spring for walleyes wondering if it would be worth it.
2012/12/03 21:43:48
Fishing for eyes has been tough the last couple of weeks with sonars-vibe-s. Last three trips one legal eye per trip and many undersized. Also a few crappies and couple big perch per trip. Saw fella picking off steady catch of crappies on minnows today.
2012/12/08 13:17:54
Grabbed the waders and took a trip out tuesday evening in the rain.  After an hour and a half only one little smallie and some cold hands. Didn't see another fisherman anywhere around 

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