Got up a bit late today as I had planned a very early trip to the LFZ to get a spot and park there for a few hours. With that I decided to try up north again and was vastly disappointed with the results. There were only few others there and no one saw a fish or even hooked up. Water was down from WED but still looked good. With that I hopped in the car and headed south and decided to see if I could find any sky rockets in flight saw a moldy king there and a few swimming around , but no takers, they were all small guys. Most exciting part of that was almost hit a 8 point driving in.
Off to the LFZ to finish the day. The place was PACKED, found some open water that was not in the most optimal spot and proceeded to lose 3 flies in 3 casts. Got po'd and was going to leave, but 2 guys left and I stepped in fished for a bit and got a few quick pulls , but nothing exciting. Right about 5 I tied on a blue yarn egg for the last few casts. Finally got a good slam and I could tell it was a good one, everyone around said it was a big fish when it jumped. It would dart upstream and them back at me like a bat out of hell as I tried reel the slack. Tried to keep it in the pool, but it was too much. Slammed my thumb twice on the handle and it got into the middle of backing. It was then bye , bye time for that one. My thumb still hurts.
Don't think I will fight the crowds this weekend so next trip out will be next Wednesday for me