2012/11/14 20:31:33
Hate to say it but its reality there is lots of people out there that call themselves sportsman that take extra fish and other game and believe they are in the right because they paid for a license and think that makes them entitled to do whatever they want but those are also the first to complain they didn't catch fish or didn't see deer and ask in wonder where they all went its not like it used to be. Just my little ramble.
2012/11/14 20:46:20
retired guy
In Nova Scotia years past they gave an annual limit of Atlantic Salmon- as I recall it was 10 fish. When ya bought your license you got 10 little tags one to be placed on each fish.
  No tag on the fish or in your possession while fishing for them --poacher.
 I do not recall what if any daily limit there was- or frankly with an annual limit what difference it would have made.
 Since Steel are pretty much IT from mid November on that would seem an idea that would be workable for the rest of the year-cept for some Browns or Bows but then 10 TROUT tags would make no difference there.
  Heck a limit of 10 Trout per year beginning at any time might seem reasonable but the tag possession would be a MUST from say-Thanksgiving till Summer. If you chose to use Trout tags earlier well- thats up to you.
 Simple easy system. Ct has Gross possession limits and this would seem similar.
  Easy for DEC too = just check fish at the lot or cleaning stations.
  Since the Nova S. TAGS are those plastic wiring harness connectors that cant come undone without wrecking them it stops the culling thing too.

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