2012/11/14 07:17:01
They dion't have to bother with all that rigamarole.  Just change the regulation so that once you have retained a limit of fish, you are done for the day.  About half the guys in the barrel on Sunday PM had their limit (one steelhead on a rope, even one rope with two), but were still yanking away.  Change the general regulation so that either you let the fish go or you get off the river.  And make it a 1 trout limit.  Make it one trout you are done, wether there are still salmon around, on, say, October 15.  I would also say allow people to keep 5 salmon early, but I am not seeing piles of dead fish around like past years, so the crowds thinned them out pretty good at 3 per day.   All that west coast punch card stuff would require additional EnCOn presence, and I have not seen a uniform all season. 
2012/11/14 07:37:13
yep the one on a rope and done would make the whole thing easier
but then i guess you'd have the guys like at the section between the barrel and unemployment hole sunday who netted it laid it on the bank and fished for hours, caught a bigger one and then "released" the one that was all but dead from being in a mud puddle for a few hours
2012/11/14 08:18:01
retired guy
Understand chuckin and duckin and intentional lining for Sharks- used to do it - dont anymore and dont approve- but understand it.
 The biggest issue I see with larger Steel crowds is that many are still fishing those poor methods- have even seen it in Summer in UFZ.
  If there was ever a time to 'just fish' this is it and far too may just dont get it.
2012/11/14 09:49:35
a float is a wonderful thing to watch
2012/11/14 15:40:17

They dion't have to bother with all that rigamarole.  Just change the regulation so that once you have retained a limit of fish, you are done for the day.  About half the guys in the barrel on Sunday PM had their limit (one steelhead on a rope, even one rope with two), but were still yanking away.  Change the general regulation so that either you let the fish go or you get off the river.  And make it a 1 trout limit.  Make it one trout you are done, wether there are still salmon around, on, say, October 15.  I would also say allow people to keep 5 salmon early, but I am not seeing piles of dead fish around like past years, so the crowds thinned them out pretty good at 3 per day.   All that west coast punch card stuff would require additional EnCOn presence, and I have not seen a uniform all season. 
you're right about needing enforcement but i don't think it would take additional staff.
pretty easy and no way around it.
if you've kept a fish and no punch you're guilty plain and simple.
if you have kept a fish, punched the card and are still fishing you are guilty.
no if and or buts.just need a couple guys looking like joe average walking the river saying nice fish did you catch ity all day long.
at this point in my work life pay me $10 per hour and health insurance and i'll take the job.
maybe allow them to fish so they can blend in and watch people.


2012/11/14 15:42:39
retired guy

Understand chuckin and duckin and intentional lining for Sharks- used to do it - dont anymore and dont approve- but understand it.
The biggest issue I see with larger Steel crowds is that many are still fishing those poor methods- have even seen it in Summer in UFZ.
If there was ever a time to 'just fish' this is it and far too may just dont get it.

i couldn't count the number of times i saw a little chrome or brown escape from a stringers hours after being caught only to be replaced by a larger fish.
some people suck!

2012/11/14 16:01:07
retired guy
I dont think the laws indicate you can just KEEP one fish -At least here in Ct they say you and only POSSESS a certain number.
 Might believe Ny is similar-Even if catching and releasing you are possesing more fish if even for a short time.
 Any wardens out there ???- as opposed to more of us just guessing -lol.
 Personally whenever I used to have my limit--time to STOP.
 I intend to keep one Steel this year- when I catch it I Stop for the day--period.
  NOT even gonna get  into culling- thats just bovine field splatter.
2012/11/14 17:48:02

From the DEC website.

Taking and Possession of Fish

A person may not fish for a species (not even catch and release) during the closed season for that species on a given water.
  • A person may not have in possession, or intentionally kill or injure fish other than the sizes specified and allowed for that species on a given water.
  • A person may not possess, kill or unnecessarily injure fish in excess of the daily limit for that species.
  • The fish an angler catches and immediately releases uninjured will not be counted as part of the daily limit for that species.
  • A person may continue to fish for a species while in possession of a daily limit for that species provided all fish of that species subsequently caught are immediately returned to the water. See below for special provisions made for largemouth and smallmouth bass.
  • A single, uninjured largemouth bass or smallmouth bass that an angler is landing, measuring or in the process of releasing from a recirculating or aerated livewell, is not considered to be part of the daily limit.
I think it is a change to the 4th bullet that would be helpful.  Of couse that will do nothing about the guy we saw taking a skipper back to his car and then returning to the river.    Poachers are poachers!
2012/11/14 18:06:39
that is the purpose of the punch card.
when he takes that skippy to the car if the card is intact hes busted.
if he is on the river with a hole in the card hes busted.
penalty is $500 and loss of license.
thing is that the card takes away any "intent" defense.
its cut and dried.
2012/11/14 18:45:12
Clint S
Without increased enforcement even the best laid plans will go no where.   DEC patrols are next to nil after October and people know it.  The card would be a good idea.  But what happens if I gut hook a fish with no card.   I would say  get like  3 free.    Additional $10.   You MUST have a card on you to fish for them in case you get on that will not make it.  As soon as you catch you must sign and date the card.  Caught without signed and dated card or no card at all.   Lose license, big fine period, but again no enforcement  it will not work
Back in the 70'S (???)   you used to get 3 salmon tags for the season and they were an xtra fee.   My buddy still has some.   He said you were supposed to mail them in after you caught a fish like a deer tag.  Problem is no one would ever mail them in today.

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