2013/01/21 17:59:12
Wow again thank you. When my wife divorces me for fishing too much I will have someone to talk too...LOL.
2013/01/21 21:05:32
Welcome jmat5! As others have already written, there are very many good folks here with good hearts, are genuinely knowledgeable and are more than willing to share that knowledge with you. Some go well beyond sharing knowledge. It won't take you long to weed out certain types of people simply by reading their posts. Overall I believe you'll be pleased with the people here and the site. Once again, WELCOME!
2013/01/22 23:21:59
Welcome sir. Probably have crossed paths at some point on either arthur or pymy if you fish pretty heavily
2013/01/24 21:18:13
Your a Butler boy. I am from around the New Castle area. So I have the best of both worlds. Perhaps we can hook up someday and share some info. I spend my spring and fall at Pymy and summer at Arthur. 25 min to haul the boat to Arthur and about an hour to get up to the north end of Pymy. I only fish the south end in the fall. I usually fish Friday afternoon, Saturday, and Sunday after church.

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