I was drowned and the fish was scarred. Started at pineville this AM and got nothing for 2 hours. Went to the LFZ. I was waiting for a call from Charlie and my phone rang. Tried to answer in mid drift and that was a mistake. Of course fish on. Lost the call, lost the fish and almost lost the phone. A friend of mine showed up and we each got a quick hook up. I landed mine.
It was battle scarred, eye was wrecked up and a huge scar in it's head. It eye was dangling out and all red.
Started to pour and that's when Charlie showed up. Fished in the rain for a few hours. Charlie lost a nice one. I got this one to the bank. If you look closely you can see Charlie down the wall. I took a close call stepping off my rock and ended up in the water on my bottom, luckily I only got my sleeve wet. I also netted a guys fish and he was so thankful he gave me a fly just like the one he caught his on.
2/4 today. Overall it was VERY slow all around as the day got later. fished till about 2:30 and as soon as we got to the car the rain had almost stopped. Good to meet Charlie on the water and fish even if it was for a little bit. Went to Melinda's after and all the folks in there said it was tough. Probably done until next weekend. After next week I have Thursday and Friday off for 3 weeks until Christmas.