Ya can here too Lucky but it frankly isnt worth the effort- they say their snotty piece and move on- its become part of the Urban Hunting condition all too often. The big issue however is that the Landowner suddenly is involved in a criminal proceeding not of his liking- would be the END of the permit.
Always wondered why they do that though- if they REALLY thought ya might shoot- why walk up to you when they see Orange -ANTIS.
Been told to be careul cause bullets are ALWAYS hittin their house a half mile away and how many wounded and dead Deer they commonly see when out walking-- Bovine field Splatter-- all the Chick Anti propaganda.
Woman on a Horse rode right up to us one day while putting in a bow stand where the landowner suggested. She TOLD us not to shoot her off the Horse.
Our tradition is in dire straits in Urban areas-if it ever came to a Vote we would be finished. Remember the Canadian Bear Hunting- the City votes killed it Nationwide a few years back- it returned a year or two later - but not by any vote.
We would then be faced with a choice- sit Fall out at home hearing the distant shots from those that never followed the rules anyhow and presently sneak around our hunting areas - Or----
Like my hard Huntin retired Game Warden Cousin says-- "we are likely the last generation to be able to do what we do the way we do it-if at all".
Guys in rural areas dont see it yet and dont want to believe it but those of us in Urbania do.
HECK- I took another bow course a few years back and one of the things they felt necessary to teach was NOT to wear your hunting clothing when driving to and from your area - change when ya get there when ya cant be seen was the lesson.