There was a WCO boat out. Why would you patrol the launches for horse’s rears when you can put the pedal to the metal to stop a guy for standing while driving?
Seriously, we watched while the WCO looked right past a sailboat with half of the people in the water swimming in the middle of the lake, to do a U turn, go from trolling speed to 40 mph on plane to stop a guy that was standing while driving. We were close enough to hear the conversation. Dude ruled and blamed it on his girlfriend being in his line of sight! Ha ha. He got a warning, but if safer to see the 200 kayaks on the lake to stand, why not? Not like doing 40 mph on a wake filled unrestricted lake, yeah, maybe standing could be dangerous. The guy was maybe doing 15-20 and keeping distance from boats, standing was the safer route. And his stupid broad was in his way... She should have been laying down, getting his next rig ready, maybe tickling his jimmy between spots. I really hope that was someone on this site!