Depends on what you like fishing. Weeds, pads, deep structure, downed shoreline structure, etc. I can’t help on where the bass are in mid summer. There are a lot of places to launch a kayak. Many places that only small crafts can launch from, which makes for a lot less headache at the launch. The South Shore beach area has a non powered craft only launch which holds a variety of fishing options, that is off limits to the powered boat anglers. Porters Cove (next to Bear Run Campground) has a small craft launch with a good amount of weeds to work. The North shore has a small non powered launch at the group camping area that has access to some downed timber. Upper 528 has a small craft launch that has a ton of weeds near. I would avoid McDaniels, Bear Run and 528 Bridge launches, which are the most used by larger boats.
If you use those larger launches especially, do not block the launch itself while loading your kayak, or you will likely end up having words with someone. Use the parking lot to stage your equipment as best as possible, then drive to the lake to unload and move your kayak to the side as quickly as possible, to not block the ramp. Most launches have a shoreline near the launch that you can beach your kayak while you park your vehicle. Trailer boats should be staging and not jamming the launches too, but some don’t. Best to avoid those larger launches on a weekend especially.