They can be caught up past NJ too. Not in regularity, but I caught one about 10 years ago in Lavallette, NJ. Much more common the further south you go. A good bit in the VA Tidewater area. World record was caught in Avon, NC - Hatteras Island. If you are looking for bull reds from shore, I am not sure if there is a better place than the Buxton Point in May, a few miles south of Avon. It is a crowded conga line and the locals will throw you in with the sharks if you are using braid and try to join their line. Pound for pound, they would whoop any freshwater fish's rear. Not sure how they compare to permit, cobia or amberjacks in the salt. They all have pretty good reputations of pound for pound power. I've caught yellowfin tuna, mahi mahi and a sailfish before. All were ridiculous fighters, but the off shore gear strapped in a fighting chair, is much different than rod in hand from shore or inshore boat. I did fight a nice mahi mahi on a lighter rod on one trip. Kind of a bummer taking 15 minutes to get the thing in, while my buddies using the heavier gear were decking fish after fish. But for anyone that has ever done the mahi mahi thing, many captains try to keep a fighting fish close to the boat. It drives the others into a feeding frenzy. That was his way of doing it and sort of fun, for the first 5 minutes...
But yes, I would trade the local fishing scene for what you can find in the South in a heart beat. With the bonus of no winter!!! Although, 6 months of temps near 90 would definitely be something to get used to. So, basically for 6 months out of the year, fishing and most other things, are reserved for early mornings and late evenings.