I launched from Bear Run on Sunday 5/24. Parking lot at 6:15am had about 4 or 5 trailers. Fished till noon, when we left the lot was darn near full, but its 90% filled with vehicles with no boat trailers. Oh and the fishing was slow. Didn't go fishing for crappie, went hunting for other species and struck out. Did catch one crappie as a by catch.
Sounds pretty similar to my past two times out, trying for the others and not much (a few takes but not landed). I usually end up trying for crappie for an hour or two to avoid a skunk though. The launch situation sounds similar too, although I was expecting with Memorial Day weekend and nice weather for it to be a zoo.
They really need to open up the North Shore beach area (not sure if South is closed too), even if they aren't allowing people to swim. It is packing the other lots and having people park on the sides of the streets (with many no willing to pull off of the road). The North Shore beach area has probably 300 parking spots in the upper and lower lots that should be open for parking at the very least.
It seems that their attempt to keep people off of the beach by shutting those lots is forcing people into much smaller confined areas and causing more distancing issues. I forget what day we went out last weekend, but the launch next to the sailing base had every spot taken and the entire shoreline filled with people fishing. I have never seen the bike rental lots as filled as they were.