2019/09/26 10:02:29
So DEC spent good bux (~2,000,000) buying and refurbishing the old "Fat F***ing Snagger" (the Portly Angler) in Pulaski, and turned it into a training academy for Encon and Forest Rangers.  How long has that been in use, maybe 10 years?   I always suspected that some "friend of a friend" bailed out the motel owner because it sat for sale for so long.  Now it has been announced that DEC is buying an old school in Cleveland NY outside of Central Square to convert to the new Academy because the current one doesn't have a gym.  What, no specifications list developed before the last purchase?   Too bad they didn't shop for a scho9ol a little sooner, there was one in Altmar that sold a couple of years back, even had river access!  Just "the business as usual" in the great Empire State, if we run out of money to dip into, we'll just tax the suckers a little  more!
2019/09/26 11:20:22
hot tuna
What about the massive headquarters in ray brook ?
2019/09/26 12:34:52
No comprende.  Ray Brook is the regional Headquarters for Reg.5, was there when I went on my honeymoon 32 years ago.  This is very soon after a big initial outlay of funds for something now judged to not meet the needs.  Why weren't the needs defined upfront?
2019/09/26 12:41:48
I stayed there once.  Didn't care for it. They sold a few years later.
2019/09/26 12:54:31
hot tuna
I always thought the region 5 massive headquarters was also forest rangers training
2019/09/26 13:17:51
I thought the school was at Wanakena at one time.  They started doing the rangers in P-Town a couple of years ago.
It's not like they are hiring tons of new Encon or Rangers.  Could be the death knell for the P-Town Ponderosa though.
2019/09/28 19:33:04
Clint S
 I hate gubermental waste. As far as the Cleveland school , I have mixed feelings. I am VERY happy they did not buy the Altmar school and Jailwater bought it due to the tax base it provides  in a very poor area. Cleveland is close to Oneida lake and I am happy that school will be used for something unlike our last local school that sits vacant and rotting.  As far as a gym, what do the need other than the ground under their feet to run and walk. From what I understand they will still use the hotel also, but who knows...... 
2019/09/29 08:02:54
Well they are only ~m 30 miles apart.  Never too far in a gubmint car!
2019/09/29 18:48:59
Clint, perhaps I can shed light on why they need a gymnasium.  I was the Assistant Director of Training at the Zone 3 Police Academy (Westchester, Putnam & Dutchess counties), I oversaw the recruit training program.   Back the late 90's the Bureau for Municipal Police adopted the Cooper Standards for physical fitness training.  Cooper Standards are the same criteria used by US Military, it is based upon gender and age.  Each recruit has to meet a basic standard of 50th percentile to be hired and 70th percentile in order to graduate.  It's my guess that ENCON and Rangers must now meet that same criteria.    
2019/09/29 20:28:38
Clint S
Sure I get that, kind of tongue in cheek with what I said.  I see all the Syracuse PD recruits running outside  and working in the fitness center on my walk to work sometimes. They will in all likelihood turn the gym or possibly a few classrooms into a weight room\fitness center.

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