2018/04/09 16:23:40
Anyone ever use Field & Stream fluorocarbon. Bought 4 & 6 pound yesterday at D.i.c.k.s  Was on sale for $10 down from $20. 
2018/04/09 17:23:12
No but curious how off brand works let me know please .  
2018/04/09 18:38:02
Haven't tried their fluoro, but F&S braid and mono were absolute junk.  Hope their fluoro works better for you than their braid and mono did for me.  
2018/04/09 18:47:48
Well aren't we the bearer of good reviews. Lol...... hello Dave.
2018/04/10 09:30:07
Well aren't we the bearer of good reviews. Lol...... hello Dave.

Howdy John
Funny thing is, I'm not picky about my line.  I'm cheap so I'll usually buy what's on sale or use gift cards.  After two weeks of the F&S braid, I took it off and replaced it with good old Power Pro.  The mono lasted a little bit longer.  
2018/04/10 09:56:31
I hear ya Dave.  I never gave braid a chance except this past year on my tip-ups where I found the stuff freezes solid, into a glob of string, when exposed to water and 0 C temps. 
I hear ya on the "cheap" too, heck that's my middle name when it comes to buying fishing line... 'BTDT El'Cheapo' is what they call me, when they ain't mad at me!!
Hope all is going well and I am looking forward to seeing more of those grand pictures from 'rsquared outdoors' real soon.
Good times and tight lines to you and your boys.
2018/04/10 11:10:49
Mountian Man
Line is one thing I wouldn't be cheap on...just sayin
2018/04/10 12:06:49
I'll only use seguar for flourocarbon. And yes. Braid is horrible below freezing.
2018/04/10 16:27:48
Do they make hi-capacity fluro?
2018/04/10 17:53:05

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