2013/10/17 11:47:34
Wally Cat
Not seeing much at my usual haunt. Minimal amount of does and fawns with only a y-buck and a long antlered spike. Last year at this time I had my two doe in the freezer and had passed on several legal but small bucks. The best is yet to come.
2013/10/17 15:55:01
They're still in their bachelor groups where I go, a little head buttin each other, but definately not very aggressive towards each other.
2013/10/17 19:31:34
Why is the word s c r a p e s censored? 
2013/10/17 21:49:36
Why is the word s c r a p e s censored? 

 Probably because r a p e is in the middle
2013/10/17 21:59:46
Crap is also in the middle maybe they think crap is a bad word ...but I think rsquared hit it on the head because crap isn't censored in my post 
2013/10/17 22:16:36
Why can't you just say feces... I'm soooo offended.
2013/10/18 10:28:19
No rut activity in my area.  Not much doe activity either.
2013/10/20 10:51:09
Had 2 buddies shoot bucks on Fri night, one was chasing a doe on the other one was making a rub on a tree. Both smaller 8 points. NO activity for me yet. Ed
2013/10/20 12:32:04
Not much going on in my area either...just some dogs running around and a bunch of squirrels...lol  have seen some new signs though....
2013/10/20 12:48:19
lol if by dogs you mean coyotes ill be over!

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