2013/10/15 18:15:09
Guy told me the rut is on here in SW Pa..
I have hardly any sign where in my general hunting areas.. Anyone starting to see rubs or scrapes
2013/10/15 18:33:39
The buck i missed on Friday night before i shot that one was chasing does 2 days in a row.  The woods is all rubbed up too.
2013/10/15 19:18:11
The rut will happen at the same time as it always does.  The vast majority of breeding will take place on Nov 14 +/- a couple of days here in PA based on lots of historic data.
I saw a forkhorn pushing around a group of does this past weekend.  It's pretty common for the teenage boys to start prematurely hassling the ladies.  And it's always possible that a doe will come into estrous early and will attract the attention of the big boys, but the peak of the chasing phase (and mature buck activity) is still 2-3 weeks away IMO.   
2013/10/15 19:46:05
I agree, Oct 31st is when I start to hunt every night
2013/10/15 20:11:27
Yep...Rut will be in the same general time frame each year. Bucks use scrapes all year and rub horns on trees majority of the year. You see more and more in mid October because there transitioning from summer patterns to fall territorial patterns. You can call it rutting behavior but it has no indication they are breeding. If a doe would come into estress in September, a buck would breed her, but they don't.
2013/10/15 21:44:45
Moses Guthrie
Agree with esox near Halloween is when I see the bigger bucks really start to cruise and I start to see a good numbers of bucks on stand.  But I do have an area that always seems to have a hot doe the 1st week of season. I have arrowed a couple mature bucks all over doe (one was trying to mount the doe) the 1st week in this location and have seen multiple mature bucks pushing the same doe during that time a few times. Anyone else have an area that seems to always have an early hot doe?
2013/10/16 14:01:16
had a nice 7 point trailing a doe grunting last thursday but the doe showed no interest in him
2013/10/16 18:52:14
Nothing around Pittsburgh that I have seen as far as rutting activity. Woods are still terribly thick and green. Need cold and frost to start to turn things a bit. Probably my slowest start ever as far as deer seen. Surprised by the lack of rubs and scrapes in my areas as well. Bucks are there on camera but not very active.  Yet..................
2013/10/16 19:19:14
I don't hunt, but haven't seen any rubs on the trees in the areas that I usually see them this time of year. Maybe no bucks in my small area currently? Saw 4 doe staring me down on my morning walk almost 2 weeks ago. shoulder to shoulder right next to each other, kinda neat. Saw them almost every morning for 3 weeks easy. But not once in the last 10 days or so. No bucks though... weird since all the land is "posted" right of ways, except for that tree stand at the top of my hill...
2013/10/17 07:50:19
fishin coyote
Had a real nice 6/7 pt. come in last nite rubbin trees and makin scrapes. grunted him in to 16yds .Passed on him twice due to the sprinkles. Glad I did cause 5 mins. later the torrential downpour started.

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