Fish- Hope you get up next season- its a great fishery-
As you know we have had low water throughout the season. The main water source- The res. has been many feet low all Summer and Fall resulting in low release flows even with rare rainfall. Near drought conditions persisted.
August was normal fishing with the low waters and that huge run of Kings in Sept was astonishing -especially in the low conditions. Many many fish were removed from the system although spawning throughout the River was easily observed and commonplace although a bit early IMHO. Finding willing fish was NO problem.
The feeders received heavy pressure even for a normal year and many fish were observed on stringers indicating that they did indeed manage the low waters. Had early reports of Kings well up into other Lake Tribs but frankly they seemed to dwindle as time went on- but the fish got in.
It is my opinion- probably not shared by all- that other species like Hos and early Steel were in minimal numbers. Hos were seen spawning mid river very early and did not seem as plentiful as normal as the season progressed in their upriver spots.
I did not get to fish hardly at all throughout November ( my favorite time) but reports from experienced fiherfolks are mid range IMHO.
Also it should be noted the Hatchery reported less than expected female Kings this year. There seems to be some who believe too many were removed along the river due to low waters and some who believe an abnormal number of males were present. At any rate there seemed to be huge natural spawn to supplement the hatchery fishes as has been the case with all species in recent years.
To me- it was a great year. Lots of big fish and many folks enjoying them.
One may well expect that 'early fish' are becoming more commonplace due to the huge numbers of unclipped Kings that ran inSept in big numbers. They were finished spawning well before the Hatchery started and this makes me wonder of a diff. between the 'naturals and 'hatchery fishes timetables due to a difference in age.
Would readily agree with Andy about the future this winter should the low conditions persist. We really need a wet Winter up there to get things back to 'normal'.
Good luck and hope to see you there next season.
Would expect many to think differently but those were my observations and resulting opinions. lol