2012/10/29 06:14:08
so while we're all staying safe from the storm of the centuryi thought maybe a little technue talk would help the time go by.
so if you hook a fish in a hole like the glide or clay or paradise, not a pocket in heavy water where 2 feet and they are into the flow, but a place where if they go over the lip you either have to chase, throw slack and hope or point the rod at them.
i haven't been into chasing in decades so convincing them they don't want to keep running down is importent for me.
anybody got an answer.
i'll post mine later.
people look at me like i'm an idiot but being a newb, ahemm cough cough ,  i am comfortable with that.
2012/10/29 07:17:08
ok has anyone else tried this.
stand on your left foot holding your rod in your right hand while spinning clockwise screaming please stop please stop please stop.
this is of course for right handed people and southpaws would do it all backwards.
2012/10/29 08:11:48
bueller bueller bueller?
has the world really ended?
am i the last human left?
i feel so alone and small.
good dog i hope kate upton has survived so we can start the human race again!
2012/10/29 08:13:29
hot tuna
I fished this little hole in the UFZ for years that I always new had steelhead and people would just walk past.
It has fast water below and before the 2010 flood had this darn over hanging tree that made it difficult to fish, but boy did it hold steel.
For the first few times we would get our azz kicked by the fish . We tried all the usual tactics of keeping the rod low and even underwater but still they would dart under the tree and head to the heavy water.
Well something finally worked most of the time , once hooked just keep slight side pressure until you feel they may make the downstream turn then throw out as much slack line as you can. Usually they just turn back into the upstream current and swim back to the hole.
You may have to do this a few times and each time you throw slack move yourself up stream just a little unti you start to walk the fish above the hole. Once the fish gets above then you get below them and put the wood to them.

2012/10/29 08:32:01
i do exactly that when
a) i am fishing a smaller pocket and they are only a few tail swipes away from heavy water.
2) i really want to land fish in any situation.
first key being to let them use up their wild before they realize how much trouble they are in and then by throwing slack or at least dropping all rod pressure they don't know which way to fight.
i usually tighten up from a different angle once they've calmed back down.
#)confession i usually just give them a look at the rod butt as soon as they're hooked and are at their strongest so my landing % is a bity lower than it might be. like 75% less or so i would guess. 
ps how did that post of mine get marked as helpful?
2012/10/29 08:54:31
Sometimes a toot on the grunt call or a whistle will slow them down. Oops wrong forum
2012/10/29 09:21:43
had to go shower and start to get ready for work.
my late night making sure all cheese is throughly glued in place.
as tuna wrote when i am fishing a longer pool i tip the rod straight down dipping the tip if the bottom allows.
fish can pull their heads down easier than up and since most holes have the bottom tilting up before they dump out into a rapid the downward pull has the fish practily running into a wall forcing them to turn over much like a swimmer coming to the end of their lane.
i have almost never seen another fisherman doing this and as i said the looks on people's faces are amazing.
2012/10/29 10:08:57
While sitting here waiting for the storm of the century I'll join the conversation.
Yep I do the same as you two guys.In fact I think HT watched me pull that trick,giving them slack,on a fiesty King last Oct while we were together.HT is a great net man!
2012/10/29 10:20:30
hot tuna
Jack I'd be glad to net fish for you any time. You play them well making it easy.
2012/10/29 15:08:45
   That works fine even with fly line? With fly line I do the opposite I try to get it out of the water because of the drag and so I can keep tention on the fish but at the same time sometimes I need to walk a bit. Almost every time the flyline gets in the water and the fish takes off it creates a loop and almost always I lose the fish. But by far I'm not a pro so I might have to try your way if you do that with a fly rod.

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