2012/08/03 19:53:27
After reading the article in the paper yesterday morning.  I drove over to Tamarack Lake this morning. They had placed their nets and were taking the fish to Woodcock Lake.
 As of 11:00 A.M. they had netted 2 walleye (25" & 22")  
2 Largemouth Bass (legal) and LOT of small panfish most being  6"/8" Crappie.  The guy on the truck said 90% of the fish were Crappie.  The water temp. is close to 85+*  but the rain this weekend should cool it down some. That may help them to be able to trap more fish,  although rain will only take longer for the draw  down to take place. 
Oh, yes !!...There are a TON of carp in there.
2012/08/03 22:51:49
No musky netted so far? Wonder if it would be less stressful to net/ shock at night with the cooler temps?
2012/08/04 08:51:35
The biologist I talked to on the phone said they have got three (yes only 3) musky. He is said that the trap nets are far less effectivie when the fish are not shallow.
2012/08/04 09:25:15

The biologist I talked to on the phone said they have got three (yes only 3) musky. He is said that the trap nets are far less effectivie when the fish are not shallow.

Thanks for making the call az.
2012/08/04 14:50:45

Oh, yes !!...There are a TON of carp in there.

I suppose they'll leave them there to rot..................
2012/08/04 16:53:11
From what I understand the carp(and also bullheads) survived the last time the lake was drained as they never restocked them. 
2012/08/06 10:40:00


Oh, yes !!...There are a TON of carp in there.

I suppose they'll leave them there to rot..................

thats what they did when they drained glade run lake in bulter co.
2012/08/06 13:30:35
Was at woodcock yesterday while they were putting in some of the t-rac fish.  Seen a ton of crappie a close to 5 lbs largemouth and a giant walleye. The musky will be well fed for a while off the disoriented lazy crappie. We seen hundreds hanging out around the no wake bouys just off the dock
2012/08/10 12:55:05
just keep a few
I was just at the lake this morning around 10am and it looks like they are wrapping up the fish "salvage" operation, pulling in nets etc. My buddy and I were in dismay to watch what was happening. We arrived at the south end dam and parked along the road where there were two other guys watching the operation. My buddy and I saw three large front end loader buckets of fish...all very ALIVE being driven into the woods on the other side of the dam breastworks and dumped in the woods! The net boats would run out and fill the galvanized tubs that had no water in them, proceed to shore in the south parking lot and meet the front end loader and use buckets to scoop the fish into the front loader, loader would back up turn around and drive across the dam into woods with fish literally flopping out of the filled bucket and return empty. It was sickening to see all those fish being killed. The guys we talked to said they did take 2 truck loads out for transport then in the interim they would just load up the front loader and dump them in the woods. I asked a PAFBC guy why they were dumping the fish in the woods and his reply was: "it is what the DEP requires us to do with the dead fish" I said: " but they are LIVE fish" and he said they won't be for long if left in the lake. Maybe they have no choice but it just didn't seem right to see all those fish just being wasted. We rough estimated perhaps tens of thousands were dumped in the woods. If you need verification just walk across the south dam and follow the front loader tracks in the soft ground to the dump spot....very sad.
2012/08/10 16:10:09
That is pretty sickening....but it looks like it really made someone mad!
Get to da CHOPPA!

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