2012/12/06 16:46:30
nice fish!
2012/12/06 19:29:22
retired guy
threadjackers- lol
2012/12/07 11:32:10
At the risk of  continuing this mess and  sounding like I'm trying to publish something in a vanity press;  rock massage releases **** me off.  I've seen so many steelhead bouncing off the rocks , then  filmed , then filmed again and again. Last trip I revived 2 fish gasping in the shallows that had been released above me.  They swam away pretty strong, might have survived, but I doubt it.  They were pretty bright, good looking  fish. Waste.  I watched some guy fight a 6 lber for 15 minutes then plead  with me to come upriver and net it for him. He was using a 12 footer, looked to be a 7/8 and barely had a bend in it. I netted it and asked him why he took so long and  didn't put more pressure on the fish. He said it was because of his 6 lb. tippet. I look down and see he's using friggin' rope. Maybe 12 lb. Drennan  (they call it 6)  or p-line or such. I'm not knocking the tippet- I'm knocking the fisherman. He asks me to take a pic.  I said , no way- this fish needs to be revived and released, if it's to survive at all.  I split ,he held on to the fish for a pic, and let it go  minutes later. A floater.   It might come to the point where they should ban cameras in the fly zones.  Not that I want that, but  many  people are abusing the crap out of catch and release.  I tried to be nice to the guy I netted the fish for and give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was pretty arrogant and wasn't going to learn a thing.
Wasting  a 6 lb. fish that potentially has  another trip to the lake in it is a travesty.  If you want an eater,not a problem, my irritant is people  wasting fish.  I didn't put this post up to have the last word in a thread that turned to ****  (I had one crappy post in it) , but in hopes people here say something to people they see filming an epic over a cookie cutter.  I know HT and I have taken pics of each others fish and you get one chance. Out of the water-click- back in.  No matter how nice the fish. My wife  does the same thing.  I wear my stupid looking tailing  mitten for a reason. Steel  don't hit the friggin' rocks- they come out of the water easily and safely and go right back in. I'm not perfect, nor naive, I'm sure many of my fish released haven't made it. I at least try. 
2012/12/07 14:51:58
retired guy
Like I said when I started it- laughs or tears----
  Hey Charlie -stopped even taking them out of the water anymore- reach down with long pliers and remove the hook- If they break off that close well they are free with no damage done.
 Yes -some are in small edge water on their sides when it gets done and anything looking tired- King or Steel or whatever gets held for a recoup in the heavier waters but NO intentional landing anymore whatsoever.  For another day---
  Kudos for a great post--
2012/12/07 15:49:26
So I have to ask and I'm being straight forward and honest here.
When exactly did this thread go to ****?
Was it because it morphed into something different?
Was it because some people had some fun and tried to add humor?
Do we need to elect a board censor?
Someone who can delete posts HE doesn't LIKE.
Maybe go the SC route and have no responses allowed.
Just 1 post and closed.
What is it that people here want.
Sorry if this isn't in keeping with the threads theme.
Oh well people who think they should be able to decide what can be posted and where.
Now its back on track.
2012/12/07 16:00:03
Fichy I'm with you on the photo ops.
I went back and perused my pics to be sure I wasn't guilty without knowing it.
Myself after I have the fish broken and I am certain that I will land it I get my camera out, loop it on my left (reeling) hand finish the fight bringing the fish into shallow water but other than the occassional king not onto dry ground.
I then snap a couple pics while the fish has at least one gill still covered in water , pop the hook, hold them facing the flow til they kick then send them on their way.
2012/12/07 16:41:58
back to the source... In the 80s when I lived in Girard,Pa. there were a group of fishermen who came to fish Elk regularly and would call ahead and get smoke blown in a certain place. The streams would be blown out or would be too low for runs to enter.  2 HRs up 2HRs back kind of travel. I came across them one day and the stream was flood stage they told me about their situation and I just gave them my phone # and said call me when you guys want to drive up here . Still see them on occasion and its a pleasant visit.     
2012/12/07 16:45:22
2b, you're the last person I would expect to mishandle them.  If you didn't respect them as a very sporting quarry, worth treating with care, you wouldn't be still chasing them after all the serious  years you've put in.
2012/12/07 17:49:24
2b,no one is censoring the posts just giving a opinion on a post that appeared to be VERY hard to read,made on purpose I'm sure,so all is good and carry on.
I also get irritated with those that take fish out of the water for extended periods to snap multiple pictures of average fish.I bite my lip and try not to say anything but it's hard not to.
But I still hate snaggers most of all.
2012/12/19 15:46:36
retired guy
Got Crabby today-
 Was sittin at the putor waiting for the Beaver Trappers to drive out from the Swamp- Wanted to hunt down low today ( second year with NO mast crop up top- thin pickins for Deer). They came out to the gate and parked for a while at about o-dark thirty.
 Went out to say Hi and ask why- some POACHER had blasted a Doe right in front of them and took off. The wounded Doe was out there flopping and they had called a Warden.
  Warden came -dispatched and took the Doe along with a description of the Scum.
 Just about to go out an hour or two later- hada wait for the place to calm down a bit-and a neighbor came over asking for help tearing out one of the Beaver Dams- his yard was flooding with the recent rains. Did that.,
  Coupla hours later about to go out again-determined- phone rang-Issues at a Nursing home with a in/law- hadda go and care for that .
  Came home grabbed the Muzzel loader and took a quick walk through the property- just to be able to say I did it today-- nothing seen -no darned wonder..
  The 4 wheelers were coming through the neighboring No Hunting area so I left- ya know -the ones with the rifles on their backs  - in muzzel season.

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