At the risk of continuing this mess and sounding like I'm trying to publish something in a vanity press; rock massage releases **** me off. I've seen so many steelhead bouncing off the rocks , then filmed , then filmed again and again. Last trip I revived 2 fish gasping in the shallows that had been released above me. They swam away pretty strong, might have survived, but I doubt it. They were pretty bright, good looking fish. Waste. I watched some guy fight a 6 lber for 15 minutes then plead with me to come upriver and net it for him. He was using a 12 footer, looked to be a 7/8 and barely had a bend in it. I netted it and asked him why he took so long and didn't put more pressure on the fish. He said it was because of his 6 lb. tippet. I look down and see he's using friggin' rope. Maybe 12 lb. Drennan (they call it 6) or p-line or such. I'm not knocking the tippet- I'm knocking the fisherman. He asks me to take a pic. I said , no way- this fish needs to be revived and released, if it's to survive at all. I split ,he held on to the fish for a pic, and let it go minutes later. A floater. It might come to the point where they should ban cameras in the fly zones. Not that I want that, but many people are abusing the crap out of catch and release. I tried to be nice to the guy I netted the fish for and give him the benefit of the doubt, but he was pretty arrogant and wasn't going to learn a thing.
Wasting a 6 lb. fish that potentially has another trip to the lake in it is a travesty. If you want an eater,not a problem, my irritant is people wasting fish. I didn't put this post up to have the last word in a thread that turned to **** (I had one crappy post in it) , but in hopes people here say something to people they see filming an epic over a cookie cutter. I know HT and I have taken pics of each others fish and you get one chance. Out of the water-click- back in. No matter how nice the fish. My wife does the same thing. I wear my stupid looking tailing mitten for a reason. Steel don't hit the friggin' rocks- they come out of the water easily and safely and go right back in. I'm not perfect, nor naive, I'm sure many of my fish released haven't made it. I at least try.