2012/12/03 11:34:24
retired guy
Hey -we have a great thread on good memories how bout one with things that have irritated ya--might be some laughs and tears too--
  Mine was always the bogus reports one would get when calling places for info  prior to the Putor age where ya can talk to actual fishermen. Gotta remember some of this is well over 30 years old. lol
 Things like "some up top'-- 'the regulars are catching them'-'they are spread out in the river'-'they are staged and will be in tomorrow' -etc -all meant NO FISH-- Took a long time to learn -the hard way. Once cornered a guy in a Shop I had called and he explained the fish had been in when I called- but now they were gone -lol.
  My favorite though was a report about so many Skamania in the upper river one Summer that -'even the kids are catching them'. Took Vac. time and hit the road only to visit the same (the day after the report was made) shop making the report to find NO ONE who knew anything about it. Turned around and drove right back to Ct.
  Of course there was the time a friend and I fished DSR for 3 days with little to no action at all and returned home to read a publication that said a "major run' of fish had come in while we were there so 'now is the time to come up'.
  Those old days of Trolling for $$$ are more or less OVER . We all complain now and then about the Forums giving too much info sometimes but at least somebody taking Vac. time and spending hard earned buckeroos has a REAL idea of whats up.
2012/12/03 12:51:55
i've felt that way about dsr reports for years, but i have to say this year they seem to be right on
1. goons-snaggers, litter bugs, ignorant jerks who loose all manners when away from home for a few days
2. internet balls-people who loose all fear and common sense when they feel they can hide behind the annonimity of the internet...btw, most of them are alright in person
3. hyped reports-took years to realize who to trust
but, all in all, its way more fun than frustration :)
2012/12/03 13:39:08
I hate snaggers......period!
2012/12/03 15:48:08
retired guy
Hey Bear- that report I mentioned may not have come directly from DSR- it was in New England magazine printed a couple of days after we got back and coulda been info from anyplace up there. NEVER bought that mag. again after reading it faithfully for a long time too.
  I always gave at least some grains of salt to the reports cause they were directly connected to the bu$ine$$ end of the $port but Geeze some really went overboard.
  Then they do tend to get some of their info from regulars who know where and when and how and therefore generally tend to do better than 'Joe average'. Never heard anyone make that comparison though when making the phone calls. Ya woulda thought even blind people with no arms were catchin fish.
   It was always GREAT -till ya got there and should been there the day before cuase the fish they told ya bout on the phone have mysteriously disappeared. lol.
   After a while I learned to ask for the name of who I was getting the info from- that changed things in some cases- also started calling several places for conditions too.
 The forums are so much better----and straight--
2012/12/03 19:34:04
Clint S
Although the blatant snagging bothers me what gets me the most is the herding and chasing.  On more than one occasion especially on the tribs, I see people chasing one scared fish up and down.   Are they that desperate.   When they see you they usually stop and act like they are fishing.   Those are the times I stay there and keep glancing at them.      
2012/12/04 07:22:52
The litterers are bad, but for me, the worst ones were the out of staters who saw nothing wrong with depositing fish parts in the bushes, or, lately, I see a lot of eggs on paved surfaces.  The fish littering regulation cleaned up a lot of this, but back in the pre-DSR days there were places along the river where you would retch just getting out of the car.  And folks live nearby!
 I never liked snagging, but at least the old cricket snaggers were doing what was allowed in places where it was allowed, and usually removing the fish that would die and rot in the river anyway.  I get really hot under the collar when I see some Orvis vested Thomas rod wielding jalorme pitching 1/2 ounce of lead with a size 1 hook with one wrap of estaz dragging the stringer of a limit of salmon that he's had in the shallows since morning while he "Flyfished" for fun the rest of the day.  But I am working on my crumudgeon merit badge! 
2012/12/04 07:43:07
like it lucky
you are making great progress toward that badge
2012/12/04 14:49:58
lucky i've never owned a t&t rod in my life.
get your facts straight.
2012/12/04 17:35:54
people who never show the fish the rod butt.
#8 fly rods aren't made to fish 4# line.
don't be that guy.
2012/12/04 17:38:00
Hmmmmm. I lusted after a 9 wt.  T&T Vector, after testing  a friends. You could backcast a 400 gr.  90' with  no problem.  I borrowed it and drug a bunch of  stripes out of the rocks around Gloucester. I used Clousers with the largest dumbell eyes  on 3/0 hooks.   I use yak hair, instead of estaz, though. Still, I wouldn't wear a collared shirt in my vicinity.   I had an Orvis vest, but I gave it to a kid I outfitted because he was well, friggin' poor like I was when I was a kid.  Little did I know the onus I was bestowing on him. Maybe someday he'll have a breakthrough during a therapy session and the damage will be reversed. Simms isn't known for causing mental trauma like the Big O.  I can't find anyone I've fished with locally  to go to the SR. They've all been there and just kinda say yeah it's fun but.......    The but and pause can be replaced with all the irritants you can imagine. Garbage, crowds, the impolite, the unethical and the just plain azzholes.  To paraphrase Groucho, I wouldn't fish anywhere people like me fish.  I EXPECT the irritants. Hell, I am one.   We'll see how long my patience  lasts.

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