Hey -we have a great thread on good memories how bout one with things that have irritated ya--might be some laughs and tears too--
Mine was always the bogus reports one would get when calling places for info prior to the Putor age where ya can talk to actual fishermen. Gotta remember some of this is well over 30 years old. lol
Things like "some up top'-- 'the regulars are catching them'-'they are spread out in the river'-'they are staged and will be in tomorrow' -etc -all meant NO FISH-- Took a long time to learn -the hard way. Once cornered a guy in a Shop I had called and he explained the fish had been in when I called- but now they were gone -lol.
My favorite though was a report about so many Skamania in the upper river one Summer that -'even the kids are catching them'. Took Vac. time and hit the road only to visit the same (the day after the report was made) shop making the report to find NO ONE who knew anything about it. Turned around and drove right back to Ct.
Of course there was the time a friend and I fished DSR for 3 days with little to no action at all and returned home to read a publication that said a "major run' of fish had come in while we were there so 'now is the time to come up'.
Those old days of Trolling for $$$ are more or less OVER . We all complain now and then about the Forums giving too much info sometimes but at least somebody taking Vac. time and spending hard earned buckeroos has a REAL idea of whats up.