2012/08/27 12:16:03
once they flush some of the waste into the stream we might be getting 3 eyed 75lb kings....sweet ;P
2012/08/27 12:31:43
I don't think that'll happen Bear. Encon would be all over that like a wet fart. Just look at their record on nailing people for illegal dumping, that's how they pay for everything, not arresting some Russian for yanking sharks. The fines are much bigger than any poacher fines. So i'm sure they'll watch that like a hawk considering their big interest just upstream
2012/08/27 16:15:22
lol..i know just trying to add some humor
seriously, of the possible list given that would be the one i would like to see there
2012/08/27 16:44:47
retired guy
Heard early on that the Tribe was interested for use as some kinda high end place for customers. Not a bad idea for them to have a spot with such great fishing for High rollers of other customers  besides just  the casinos down Syracuse way- specially with a bit of PVT river frontage for them- even if the other side is for us all to use..
  Just hope if that happens they are NOT tax free in that kinda situation as Altmar could use the money. Think they will be lucky to sell the school to anybody at any price though.
  Actually seems like a best case kinda scenario to me-  other business will certainly have trouble getting  a trained work force up there-- Its simply a bridge too far for  any number of likely employees with specific skills.
  Aint like movin into a City or population heavy area where many skills and varied workforce  are readily available. Factory may be best but kinda think its unlikely.
2012/08/27 18:54:28
Clint S
Survey says...................................................................................................
They are a local company from Lacona right up the road they make medical grade cell incubation equipment.   I never knew they were around.
My neighbor who is in the town politics went to the meeting and showed me the proposal.   He said there were a few folks talking about medical waste and such.   There will be none, they manufacture equipment that is all.   Others were talking (if you can believe it)  about not wanting a manufacturing  business right in town as it take away from their small town living.  
I hope it goes through as we could use the tax base for the school and the jobs.    IMHO we should GIVE the school to them at a reduced price if need be just to get it off our books and onto the tax rolls.
2012/08/27 20:36:26
hot tuna
Clint that is GREAT news !! I sure hope that goes through..
Win Win for everyone there..
2012/08/27 20:36:57
retired guy
Good deal for Altmar either way Clint. Anything is better than an old run down building a few years from now with no body using it. This way we likely still get to use the River back there too.
 Mayee they can make some friends letting the FD or a similar local group use part of the lot for fisherman parking and keep the fees for improvements.  We have had similar things happen here and it really helps out with local perceptions.
2012/08/27 20:41:59
hot tuna
I hope it remains NO Parking.. Kinda keeps the tired folks from walking in from the Public lot.. I have snow shoes..
2012/08/27 20:54:46
Clint S
I am crossing my fingers that it goes through.  I was surprised when my neighbor told me how many people were speaking against it.   I have also heard the school is reluctant to sell.  The reason I do not know.   Every minute that building sits there it costs the taxpayers money and it gets tougher to sell as an unused building degrades much quocker.
2012/08/27 20:55:29
retired guy
wish I could still do that------

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