2013/02/23 00:46:43
just was wondering bout the ice is it still thick or what?....any help wud b appreciated I guess my main area wud b around linesville are spillway ect......thanks
2013/02/23 06:50:25
call espyville outdoors
2013/03/04 23:09:30
Anyone have an idea when ice-off will occur? Nobody really knows bit would love to hear some guesses. How much time do I have to get the boat ready?
2013/03/05 06:47:55
Plenty of ice.........
2013/03/05 08:28:44
Was on the ice sunday. There was still 5" in the jimtown area.
2013/03/05 14:31:53
I'm thinking this will be our last weekend with mid to upper 40's highs and mid 30's for lows followed by rain Monday and Tuesday it'll go quick. I'm guessing all ice off in 2 weeks provided the temps don't drop again. The upper 20 lows next week just won't be enough to hold it.
2013/03/05 18:18:28
With all of the weird weather, temps up and down, snow and rain..., I'd be surprised that there would be any safe ice anywhere on Pyme.
2013/03/05 21:43:34

With all of the weird weather, temps up and down, snow and rain..., I'd be surprised that there would be any safe ice anywhere on Pyme.

Was 6"+ everywhere we drilled today....probably punched 100 holes or more.
2013/03/05 23:26:33
Talked to a fellow that caught a couple eyes below the dam.
2013/03/05 23:29:42
Sure hope it's off in two weeks, time to start wading those gravel bars at night!

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