PA NO DOUBT he should never have had a sentence that would ever let him walk free after his first murder.
I thought you wrote something about 30 days and that is not enough time to be sure .
Other than that I agree totally.
RguyWe know right from wrong but you can't fix crazy.
Some people do but don't care about anything but themselves.
They should have been identified by the mental health experts and weeded out of polite society by much harsher penalties for violent actions before they get a chance to kill someone for their sneakers.
Sick people that don't know right from wrong should have been institutionalized long before they snap.
Treated and cared for.
They are not mean, selfish or hurtful they are sick.
Trouble is that instead of expanding the healthcare system along with the explosion of populatuion we are cutting funding and dumping people with no coping skills and no support networks into the mainstream.
Now to guns.
I personally have no problem with "assualt rifles" but I do have questions about the need for a clips that holds 30 rounds.
Will criminals get their hands on them anyways?
Yes some will.
Will crazies get one?
Yes some will.
Do I think in any hunting situation you need more than 10 rounds before reloading?
Do I think you will get off round number 11 in a selfor home defense situation?
NO firefights don't play out like movies very often in real life.
Probably much better off with a 12 gauge pump gum full of double 0 buck.
While we will never be able to completely end these events lessening the number killed can be hoped for and anything that makes a shooter stop, if even just briefly to reoad would givde someone a chance to escape or someone legally armed to safely aim and fire a round that might just end it sooner than later.
What is really lost by outlawing the production of new 20 or 30 round clips for anything but military sales or the selling or transfer of existing ones?
What is their purpose to a law abiding gunowner?