2012/12/14 16:24:50
hot tuna
only ourselves know the answers..
Shake the hand of a stranger . Give friends and family a hug..
Sad day.....
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2012/12/14 18:04:06
My prayers go out to all the people touched by this tragedy. Very sad day...
2012/12/14 18:12:40
Clint S

No words
2012/12/14 18:17:29
My prayers, too.
2012/12/14 19:24:32
Very sad, why do they always have to involve innocent people. Go out into the woods and do your "own" thing.........
2012/12/14 21:03:50
Sad day indeed.  I was in the area of Danbury/Brookfield this morning and I now know why the police activity was so high.  My thoughts and prayers are with the families who lost loved ones from this unspeakable tragedy.  My thoughts also turn to the first responders, the police, fire and medical technicians who responded to this horrific scene.  Hard days are to come.  My experience in law enforcement tells me that some may never recover.   
2012/12/14 21:28:34
retired guy
    A sad day indeed -cant imagine whats in the minds of some people--to go to that kind  of place and do those kind of things is  insane.
    Nuts with guns are gonna cost every one of us who hunts or shoots -afterwards there will still be nuts with guns. But its eventually gonna be that way- IMHO.
2012/12/14 23:40:38
The guy was mentally disturbed.. he was not a normal guy according to media. Sick people kill people, has nothing to do with the right to bare arms. There are many powerful men in control who can be labeled sick and responsible for cold blooded murder..  Syrian president is just one example of a hideous murdering individual , responsible for murdering tens of thousands of innocent lives. This was a tragedy and turns our stomachs but it has nothing to do with gun control, just a real wackjob.
2012/12/14 23:44:20
hey , any looking forward to ice fishing season! Everybody ready? I'll be posting on  the ice fishing forum!
2012/12/15 19:07:28
Man's inhumanity to man. Just when I think nothing can shock me anymore...this. Hug and love your kids every chance you get.

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