2012/12/20 22:07:07
The Ref
Trout how did you come across this structure?
5000 it is nice to have a good discussion with out any BS, I'm just trying to get as much info and share what I can offer. This weather coming in this weekend is screwing me up I was planning on going an giving it a shot. Any of you ever go in the winter and have any luck? 
2012/12/21 00:25:10
Thanks for the backup on that Striper story Mikastorm. It's been awhile back, but I remember all the talk and seeing the photo back in the day. Any chance of getting a photo posted of that hog would be a great flashback. Yes I fished many a day in those cottage areas when the river was no where as congested with the wood it has now. It's just about impossible to get a decent drift now with all the trees and snags in the water. Some years the fishing was slow and some years we did hit the Walleye jackpot! I remember one morning we landed over 20 Walleye with most being in the 20"-24" range. Awesome nights were also shared hammering the Eyes. I'm going to guess that what you saw in that area was a partial cement block wall on the far bank pertruding into the water above the first cottage below the bend . It's probably choked up with timber now and gives the appearance of being a solid structure.  I use to cross the river in that area all the time and those block may still be there. No doubt back in the day that river held a lot of Walleye and it may still but all those trees in the water now.......man that's tough fishing!
2012/12/21 09:45:28
The Ref, I saw it on Google Earth.  I wasn't actually there in person.  It's I think the second railroad crossing south of Greenville. 
Those trees tend to hold a good handfull of small gills and crappie with the occasional smalll bass and perch, but yeah it is pretty tough if your casting any distince out to the main channel.  You're screwed if you would happen to hook into a pig striper there today! 
2012/12/21 09:54:23
It kills me when I proofread my post and after posting still find mistakes. Sorry ' bout that! I suppose that's a hint that I should quit working 12-14 hour shifts,lol.
2012/12/21 10:22:01
  Thanks Ref! Your efforts are much appreciated as are the efforts of many others. I hate it when some peeps use the tactics they do in a discussion / debate. I do understand why they do it, make themselves feel better, superior, smarter, wear down their perceived opponent etc..., but that's not how it comes across to others as others generally see through their tactics. It doesn't matter how widely peep's opinion may vary on any subject as things should be discussed intelligently with "opinions" based on fact, not biases or prejudices.
  I have done OK in the winter just below the lowhead dam in the immediate pool on the Pyme outflow for crappie and walleye. Nothing earth shattering, but enough fish to make it a pleasant winter outing.
  Capt. Hook, I love your possible explanation of the supposed dam! So far, at least to me, it makes the most sense unless someone comes up with another possible explanation. I'm considering driving there this Sunday night, check it out Monday and hopefully get some fishing in as well. Already there, might as well maximize the time. 
2012/12/21 10:27:19
Those lines were not there when I typed the last post and I'm not sure how they got there. I'm assuming I inadvertently hit a key just before sending the post, but not sure why it only showed up where it did.
2012/12/21 11:10:17
I have floated from Greenville to the lake and there are no dams of any kind in that stretch. There are two locations where bridges were removed. One is just down from main st. and the other is below Hamburg. Floated from Porter Rd. to Wasser Bridge and was in the water pulling my yak over trees more than I cared to until I got past Greenville.
Hook you are right on about how great the walleye fishing used to be. Not sure what happened but it started to go down hill about 12 yrs. ago. By the way I would not eat them from all the pollution from Steel Car. Just me...:)
2012/12/21 11:33:23
Thanks Mikastorm.  This is what I was referring to....


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2012/12/21 12:41:26
trout...that spot...a few years ago...is where I saw a boil of black tar looking stuff about 20' around come up in front of me. It was almost scary. Nasty looking crap.
2012/12/22 16:55:26
The Ref
Mikastorm what pollution are you talking about...something in the upper river? And how much snow actually fell up there around pymy? Has anyone fished it lately...just looking for a report. Some more stories about past catches would be cool to. Muskies too? Thanks guys

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