2013/01/14 19:38:36
Shake n Bake
You bet, I call it almost once a week when my camps open.
2013/01/14 21:54:44
Shenango River at Pymie Dam CU@theriver I believe.
2013/01/15 10:02:29
The Ref
That would be correct Mags00. The gauge right below pymy dam
2013/01/15 14:09:11
im gona give it a call tomarrow an see what it is an if all is good gona head up thursday
2013/01/15 15:17:38
she's rippin at abt 5.44 ft and 2650 cfs
and gonna be high for a while until they lower the lake
2013/01/16 20:36:04
Scottsgrafix or anyone who reads this for that matter if you have an android smartphone or even possibly an iPhone grab the "River Watch" app it has saved me so many wasted trips... It's pretty much the USGS gauge site in your pocket... You can save your favorite gauges as well... It also provides dissolved O2, Temp in Celsius, Flow (CFS), gauge height, turbidity, specific conductance (idk if that matters to fish unless it's part of a huge formula lol) and rain gauges in places...
2013/01/17 07:15:51
Good stuff, thanks Mags!
2013/01/17 21:02:15
cool thanks man...
2013/02/17 07:38:46
The Ref
Has anyone fished the pymy outflow lately. Just looking for a report, I may fish it this week. Thanks
2013/02/18 08:11:20
fished it 2 days ago for 3 hours had a fish on never seen what it was thought....will try it again this evening

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