2012/12/10 19:40:36
The Ref
I was up that way the other day and stopped to check it out and was surprised to see no one fishing. I heard that it was always good for the late fall through spring walleye bite...or was I miss informed. wish I had my gear it was a decent day. Anyone fish there this time of year? Thanks
2012/12/10 20:18:08
Its been slow this year with the low water levels.  The walleye haven't moved up the river.  I've fished it a couple times with no luck.  Just some perch downstream.
2012/12/12 15:55:12
Walleye or any other fish can't move upstream from the Shenango to the lowhead dam below the Pyme outflow.  If one walks downstream from the Pyme lowhead dam, there is a huge manmade dam that fish couldn't get above no matter how high the water level is. Many people are under the impression that it's a free flowing waterway and fish migrate up from the Shenango, but it's just not possible. The only way for others to know this is to walk upstream from Jamestown or cross the bridge at Pyme below the dam and walk downstream. It amazes me every time I see it. I don't expect to be there any time soon because if I were there I'd post pictures. You know how it is on this site"pictures or it didn't happen". From what I remember, that dam is about 1/4 the way down, but that's just from memory. I remember it being a good hike. If anyone is there and the weathers' not bad, check it out. And yes, I do expect there to be naysayers after this post.
2012/12/12 16:01:30
2012/12/12 18:28:46
Pics or it didn't happen lol
I don't want to not believe you, but I am not aware of any dam on the upper Shenango River around Jamestown except for the lowhead in the park(w/ the footbridge & fishing platform) and of course the lake itself.  Google maps doesn't show any either. 
From my experience with spillways/outflows/tailwaters is the fish don't really migrate from downstream(in most cases), they just dump in from the lake seasonally.  For example, in the spring the walleye really stack up in a spillway I fish in OH, but there is a very high dam only about a mile downstream and they don't get over it and everyone assumes they come from the lake.  Not sure if this is the case for the Shenango below Pyma or not.  Another example, the white bass and hybrid fishing heats up in the spring in the Shenango right below shenango lake, but I know they don't migrate from downstream.  Either there are always big numbers there and they really show themselves in the spring(although they can still be caught year round), or there just happens to be a lot of them being sucked out of the lake at the same time every year because of fish movements in the lake.
I'm not 100% sure on this, so correct me if I'm wrong.  I'm sure the situations vary by spillway and river system. 
2012/12/12 23:16:18
The Ref
5000 thats an interesting comment about a man made dam on that river...and I'm not saying it doesn't exist but I remember reading an article in the PA angler mag about some org. clearing the river of alot of the dead falls to make a channel so the paddlers could get through.
2012/12/13 09:47:01
This summer I floated multiple portions of the shenango, and on one day we floated from the dam in Jamestown down to Greenville. We didn't have to get out because of any man made dam.

Lower down the river below shenango lake there are some smaller dams
2012/12/13 18:49:44
wade alexander
i caught a pike below the dam in jamestown before...always just assumed it came up from shenango. there is another little creek that runs into it but im not sure what its called, could have been from there also
2012/12/13 19:26:01
When you mean came up from shenango, do you mean Shenango Lake?  After all they are native and were in the river before the lakes were created. 
  I caught a pike once a few years ago in Jamestown also. I've caught a bunch farther downstream(like way down) before though.
2012/12/13 21:04:23
wade alexander
i assumed it came from shenango lake... never thought about it much tho till now

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