2013/03/11 18:29:32
I went last year for the first time and was down there 3 more times in the next 2 weeks. It's about an hour and a half drive for me. I'm hooked on spring wading in Pymy you can bet I'll be there a lot this year.
2013/03/11 19:59:38
No doubt papinner. I've waded the panfish for a number of years ( didn't have a boat), but i've been fishing with my dad more, and he's been showing me some of his shalllow walleye spots. Definitly addicting.
2013/03/11 21:31:50
Its all about water temperature. And the prespawn. As a rule the bite picks up the most when + or - 5 degrees at spawning temp. That there will give you your answer. The lake warms quickly, but fishing the area with water water will be more productive this time of year.
2013/03/12 02:42:37
smally hunter
Best fishing of my young life has come from pymie the last three years. Watch for the water temps to hit the low fifties and the walleye should be starting to hit the flats and crappies the points neighboring bays . Trial and error solves the rest. And when ur on the eyes don't be scared to fish before dArk as well. The perch love the areas as well
2013/03/13 21:18:29
I read an article the other day and it said the bite usually starts with a constant temperature of 40 degrees, but I like it better between 50-60 degrees. Also, some say too, when the peepers start peeping, the bite is on. 
2013/03/14 10:07:52
Big Tuna
I start after the PFC pulls there nets. First week in April. Before that I have and will fight the crowd at the spillway a few times. The spillway thing should be starting now and ends the first week in April. These time tables are not a lock but over 45 years of fishing Pymy are a pretty good guide. Water temps,amount of rain,high lake pool are important factors.
2013/03/14 10:11:30
I'd like to try the spillway thing. I don't know if I'll get a chance, but I'd like to try it. If you go down, let us know how you do.
2013/03/14 10:18:34
One reason to add to the long list of why I moved to Pymy! It was getting expensive making the trip from Pittsburgh every night after work, not to mention the loss of sleep. Off work at 5, get to the lake bout 630-645 and fishing till 11-12 then driving back home to be at work by 8 the next morning. Yep it's addictive! Now I live 5 mins from the lake and yet still lose sleep because of it haha...

Ill be out right after the ice is completely off the lake to test it, but it won't really start for 2-3 weeks depending on temps. A good warm rain could start it sooner though.
2013/03/15 10:16:19
Was out to a few more places this week.  Only one perch to show for it so far.  It's still early, but i'm antsy and somebody has to be the first one to get on the fish.  Still, nice to get out of the house during the week as opposed to holding down the couch.
2013/03/15 10:59:39
ill probably go out sunday night just to put the gear to a test... it sucks finding a leaky wader when the fish are really on!

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