Got in Wed PM intending to Fish Thurs and Friday mid river.
Been kinda sick for a number of years and keep on keepin on with huntin and fishin anyhoo.
Got the carp scared outa me Wed night- honestly thought I was done and would never leave that camp.
Got back to Ct -decided to give up on any thoughts of Winter fishing.
On the bright side saw a decent 8 point standing on the Ellis Cove Island bout 7 AM Thurs. Tired lookin dog standing across the brook from it too.
Now and then when it seems the worst, something happens that gives life a kinda odd perspective-
Know how they both felt- the one who got away with it and the one who couldnt make the grade that day - lol.
Back home=straight to the DR he and the RN Wifey BOTH drilled me on how to use 911 lol
Doin fine.. More pills--- Still thinkin bout that 8 pt.