Well here is my take. Db, apples to oranges comparing harvesting food for necessity vs sport. Today almost all fishing ( at least lower 48 ) is sport fishing. Not going to mix commercial fishing in.
Yes I won't deny that bad sportsmanship happens on other waters but that is usually the exception and not the norm. Now givin the tribs of Ontario it is very common and sometimes actually "fishing" becomes the exception .
My take , again is that it's an accepted practice . Most folks good folks don't want an encounter with a bad practice so the blinders go on and we continue to mind our manners.
Again, acceptance..
While I can say the tribs have made strides , they are far from being the exception group.
Honestly I don't think things will ever change in my lifetime and grow very weary of acceptance .
Kinda like being at work today, we report issues but nothing gets done until complete failure happens. I have 2 dozers and a tractor down now.. :-(