Long shank hook, put on wraps of lead wire (play around with the placement til you get the fly to fall even and land natural)
1. at the hook shank tie in a piece of flex wrap black (i use electrical tape)and a piece of felt ( i make them 3/16 inch thick and alittle longer than the fly will be...tie in the flex wrap first, because it will be the outer covering for you head and thorax
2. at the shank tie in some chenelle the color of bug you want (a brownish green under body works well here....for the head
3. use goose biots for the jaws, 3-5 per side
4. pull the flex wrap and felt back and tie off forming the head
5. I vary from the pattern here, i run my chenelle to the back of the flt and tie it off
6. tie in, up at the head a saddle hackle, and make a tight set of wraps about 1/8th inch
7. bring the flex wrap and felt back on top forming the thorax and tie off (here you clip off the flex wrap, because the abdomen will be the felt with thread wrapping)
8. tie in another saddle hackle, what i do is 2 wraps with the hackle then pull back the felt and do 2 wraps of the thread....continue this to the back of the fly
9. tie off the hackle and the felt
10. with the felt that is left i form a tail by cutting a V and either thread the hook eye through the body before the tail or just leave the tail hang loose.
if i was any good with the computer i could show you some step by steps