Went over to the I Creek playground on Saturday. A few gents centerpinning and spinning, one or two other flyguys, a large number of non-angling hikers. Nothing in the Parking lot or under Washington Street. Straight up and down is half filled in with gravel (could be interesting up there when the water warms up and they start to spawn, once the suckers are in and the chrome is done (wink, wink)). Three fish working the bendway weirs in the Horseshoe, and two fresh redds down there as well (water temperature must have come way up, or late Cohos mixed in with the steel last week). First trip to 441 in a long time, the old hole is filled right in, but some nice new ones on the other side. Two guys had that all tied up. Got a 10" stream trout under 441, first salmonid of 2013! Nice hike, pretty water, definitely beat doing laundary all day! Water was ~125 cfs, too low and way too clear for a lot of steel to be coming up on it. Next rain and thaw, I'll have to get out while the water is still 200-400, but it is staying light enough in the PM to get over for an hour or so after work.