2012/12/28 12:18:58
I sent this e-mail out to News Channel 9, They do a segment called "What's in store?" 

For the Altmar Elementary School?
It's been sold for $410,000. It is located on the banks of the Salmon River. I heard the Sale was approved by the APW School Board and the new owners requested immediate building access.
I will get to the bottom of this. one way or another.
2012/12/28 15:42:40
There's a dillhole named Fishhd or some such on the spammin nation site that is guessing its an old folks home. What a maroon.
Send grammy and gamps to the big farm upste where they can run free and chase steelfishes.
2012/12/28 16:29:01
Ya that guys a D-Bag! Just because he lives up there he thinks he knows it all.  That said , that guy knows his stuff when it comes to fishing.
2012/12/28 16:49:21
Maybe we underestimate that fishhd guy, looked at the listing and it might make for the perfect retirment community location.
2012/12/28 17:46:55
Clint S
With the lack of a real summer  draw and the other low buck hotels in the area the only way to really make it work would pay for the room and get rights to fish that side.   The DSR's draw is for fresh fish and IMO Salmon fishing on that side is decent, but there are MANY other places just as good or better.   People will not pay to fish there, but may by $20 extra for a room for the limited crowds. 
I do not fish it much, but from what I remember just past the bridge up close to wires would take alot of work to clear out the trees and brush to give better access. We will see.
2012/12/29 05:37:45
Ya the guy can fish!
Doesn't make him Inspector Clouseau about real estate.
  Does he live there or is he a local?
Now you're trying to sic Sorryexcuse news on the story.
All will be revealed by the investigative reporter at channel 9. 
Speaking of Chinese eateries remember the one across from where the bottle return place is.
They used to make stuff not on the menu for the trash that used to stay at that dive The "Sprtsmans" Lodge.
No dog, cat, squirrel or sea gull was safe.
2012/12/29 08:54:33
I think he lives here, but his son is a local. preetty smart guy to fish the P to P for 12 years and never had to do the 1st P.
That take out was the best and the trash would eat anything.
I notice in the listing it says...... "1,623 feet of frontage on Salmon River (southside)."....... river frontage, not private access. I dont think you need to worry about a P to P up there.
My hopes are still out for a rottenchester brewery, but all I want.......... is to cut the grass.
2012/12/29 10:53:49
Jeese those losers would  eat Plungeranjo's pizza.
Save the middleman and dump the pie right into the toilet.
But they did deliver I hear.
2012/12/29 17:16:47
retired guy
2Bob- it aint Chinese without that stuff in it.
2012/12/29 18:28:48
That was the stuff listed on the menu.
No idea what they served when we said to just do something real Chinese and we'll take it.
But it was tasty!

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