2012/12/24 16:07:58
retired guy
    Considering that a factory or any kind of industrial thing would likely have to stay well back from any waterway and those properties all have water frontage it certainly raises eyebrows on the P to P theory.
   Am I to understand the North side has no State r.o.w. either// if not that too is  ripe for purchase or private lease.
     The fishing community will likely go nuts. Hope so if its P tp P- Might kick the State in the **** on the rest of the river.
  Public access  has always been  a pet peeve here.
2012/12/24 16:31:38
North side is PFR according to maps.
2012/12/24 18:32:47
How can the DEC after 30 plus years not aquire the PFR from another State agency. sounds kinda of dumb ashis.
Not sure how this all went down, but I do know that in some of the property sold to devolpers by NIMO, that PFR's were reguired in the purchase agreements. Lets hope that is the case.
2012/12/27 12:03:25
retired guy
Wellll since we are at it and since this talk is sounding more and more like P to P whats up with the FD and the Ballpark sale ??
  Remember THAT rumor was out long before the School came up for sale and has since dwindled down. Dont mean its not still active. Local fella said it was common talk too so there may still be something to it --darn.
2012/12/27 15:51:16
retired guy
Apparently a company named Genesee LLC bought the School- seems they build Hotels. Looks like the School is gonna go and something else is going up ( info from the dark side).
   South side  issue on SR ???.
 At any rate Altmar just made a bit over $400,000 and will probably have a nice future for local eateries,bars  and gas stations.
 Am glad for them.
2012/12/28 07:22:08
Could it be we are all way off base on this Company? I did some searching, and the rumor of a Hotel is unfounded as the Hotel in Syracuse is simply named after a street.
Could it be this is a company looking to expand its manufacturing facilities?
2012/12/28 07:53:52
A little more research and I found that the owner of the Genesee Hotel in Syracuse is http://www.woodbinegroup.com/about.aspx, I don't think this is the buyer but you never know?????
2012/12/28 08:48:08
retired guy
Not uncommon for business to form an LLC on each  new venture -especially in this fiscal climate.
 Hunted a large parcel for years owned by the same guy- Had to get several different permits for it though- all different  LLC land purchases.
 Of course that makes it very difficult to try and guess what is going in there-time will tell.
  Now that its sold would imagine it is only a short time till the plan is told in a local paper. Whatever it is its a big deal in little Altmar and will be well known shortly IMHO.
   Been fun guessing though -lol.
2012/12/28 09:31:29
Well, with a name like Genesee injected into the speculation. I can only hope it has something to do with my girl "Genny". 

2012/12/28 10:46:54
retired guy
Considering how many Hotels and Motels for fisherfolks and snow folks have floundered over the years up that way and the fact that they cannot generally charge any 'high end' prices it will be interesting to see the result here.
 DSR makes it work very well with its combo of P to P and available on site rooms. The fishing down low however is the draw there and up top is often a VERY different story.
  Of course any decent company had done a thorough survey of its options before the fiscal input with a good idea of profits being made.
  At this point my only hope for Altmar is that they didnt sell to someone using even a  few Federal dollars for any kind of housing or treatment facility- We have far too many of them around here- BIG issues sometimes follow those kind of places depending on their mandate- What a great place for a drug rehab facility- Two guys fishing and three to watch the car and gear- lol.
  That said the general area does house an unusual  number of  facilities that seem well managed with few of the  City issues we put up with here.
  The new gimmick is when they tell ya its for Veterans- we all imagine wounded folks needing assistance- after approvals  ya hear the truth- Vets Preferred If they are on 'the list' and ya end up with those with 'issues'  who never saw 'action' or any Military service- or any job at all for that matter.and are chronically unemployed with  substance   as well as other 'issues'.
  We finally said NO a few years back when they wanted one with a big wall all around it 'to keep the public away from the clients" --lol   They never did admit who was going in there but the wall and secure gate said it all.

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