2013/04/09 12:05:10
I am forever picking stuff up after people, This is something that irks me beyond belief. We are lucky to have some of the places that we fish and people have to go and ruin it, just pick up your d**n garbage and fishing line. I had to save a bird once because of being tangled in fishing line. I know at one place we fish there is a sign posted that if people didn't start using the garbage cans they were closing off the access to fish... Really people, I bet they don't throw garbage on the floors in their houses.... Just something that I had to rant about...
2013/04/09 22:25:23
have to agree with your statement wholeheartedly.  people on this board are responsible and interested; that is why they read this.  those that leave the line (and the plastic containers and pop bottles and cigarette filters and and and and ) don't really give a good crap about the fishing area (and i would venture to say about themselves or others in general).  take the garbage bags with you and police the area.  THANKS for having a concern for the fishing areas!!!!!!
2013/04/10 20:34:05
Its amazing how many people are so trashy.  At the end of the day, my bass boat is full of garbage.  Not a bit goes in the lake or on the bank.  Now even used beat up soft plastics or bunches of line from back lashes or birds nests.  As a youth and participating in various bass clubs we use to team up with parks and recreation and do clean up days.  It amazed me that we would fill 20 to 40 garbage bags full per day and a week later it was all back in the freaking areas.  People respect no ones efforts these days.  It amazed me what we found.  There was enough clothing found to clothe a few homeless people for god sakes.  Its a shame people cant preserve the woods and water.  This is why private areas get closed to fishing and hunting.  Lost many great spots over the years due to lazyness.  Its sickening.

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