2013/04/08 14:44:01
Just a reminder to all to pick up your fishing line I fished the wall yesterday and when I left my pack was filled with others junk line please pick it up!
2013/04/08 16:25:55
Thats why i carry a plastic bag with me. I havnt found much so far except for about 20 ft attached to a hot-n-tot
2013/04/08 16:50:55
no doubt
2013/04/08 18:51:48
Good job Thunderpole [and all others]! I do the same thing at different places I frequent, but I carry a box of garbage can sized bags. It is a bit disappointing when I return to a place that I had absolutely clean the previous week and it looks as if nobody had picked up any litter at all. 
2013/04/08 20:04:19
Kudos to you thunderpole.  I get very irratated by the so called "fishermen" who litter.  Just don't get it. I try to pick up stuff when I can, but some places you need to bring multiple garbage bags! And one thing I've always been puzzled with is how do people leave so much line laying around?  I mean we all get in a few tangles here and there(but it's not that hard to not get into a super massive tangle), but it's like they're stripping off all of their line and respooling on the water or something.  And then all the non bunched up line still in the water from snags and stuff.  When you get a snag you can't get out, break the line(by pooling on it to break it off at the hook) instead of cutting it off near the reel and leaving behind a hundred yards of line in the water. 
2013/04/08 20:17:09
We are a wasteful nation, so its no surprise, people leave trash along the creeks, shorelines and banks
2013/04/08 20:21:18
Last year during the spring bite id get to the lake around midnight and for 50 yards up the bank from the docks id find line in basically every single tree. Guys were getting snagged then instead of sticking it in their pocket hang it in the tree.  I even found some 'flags' someone was using to mark where they caught fish... that one i was reluctant to remove but not long after the bite ended they came down too 
2013/04/08 22:26:15
Kudos to anyone who picks up line and others garbage... Granted we shouldn't have to do something as simple as that for others.  What is most bothersome to me about line is I've rescued a Red Tip Blackbird who was caught in line just flailing and flopping at the shore of a lake down near home.  I can only imagine how much longer that poor little guy woulda had if I didn't manage to free him. One day it could be something more majestic than that but that probably won't stop people from being jagoffs and slobs...
2013/04/09 02:30:27
Yea great point if I set my pole down get tangled or walk along and get tangled think of all the waterfowl and birds and critterz that get tangled and die cuz I'm sure they ant got a knife on them to get free I'm tired of it I mean ur to good to knot it up and put it in ur pocket? U need punched in the face ...... keep reading trolls lol
2013/04/09 11:30:43
I almost always find discarded line and pack it out with me when I leave. I don't think leaving messages on this board will have any effect. My guess is the people that have enough interest to read about fishing, aren't the target audiance we need to reach. It's the uniformed and downriight ignorant, that just down' t care. I take a further guess that the children of those who litter and lay waste to fishing, picnic, and every other area, will do the same things.
But I keep picking up the line.

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