2013/04/04 21:16:06
Clint S
So I got to leave work a little early since I went in early so I decided to go up today.   the LFZ was pretty packed so I went to the UFZ and to my surprise there was only 2 cars in the upper lot (that your not supposed to park at)  and 6 cars in the lot.  I figure what the hey I  will give it a try.    There was no one in the upper wire hole so I fished there without a bite.    
My questions are about the layout of the UFZ and learning  the names of the holes  as this is only the second time I have been there.   I know the upper wire hole ,   going down stream you go up a small hill and  below looked to be a man made wall with a good water plunge and at the head of the wall.   Right down from that  there was  a faster pool where some people were fishing.   What is the name of that pool.    After that I went through the pines around a bend and came out to a long pool where most of the folks were fishing.   I am assuming that is the Paradise pool.   That is as far as I went.  How far down is the lower wire from the paradise ???    As far as crossings and I think I asked before,  are most good crossings below the Paradise.    I seem to remember someone mentioning a sandbar you can cross at.  Is that down  past the Paradise and can you/ should you  cross  above the man made wall.   I need to go up in the summer and walk that place and learn it a bit more as well as just go down a walk it on a crowded day and just check out where people are fishing.
There is alot more water down there to learn and with just a little time I went back to the upper wire and fished the tail and the hole  for an hour or so.   I then went down to the LFZ at 630 and it was cleared out so I fished there and got 2 fish on there , but lost the both.  
That's it.   If anyone has thoughts either here or PM's.  I am just looking to learn the names  of the pools and the layout of the place to aide in future trips up.
2013/04/04 21:29:07
hot tuna
Clint , no disrespect but you should have crushed them in your first stop.
There are really only two hole names , upper wire/paradise.
I don't really like the main paradise pool much, kinda slow moving.
The lower wire is a little over 1/4 mile below paradise pool. Good water too.
Umm. You shoulda crushed them in your first stop , mid pool and swing down..
2013/04/04 21:46:38
Clint S
HT no disrespect taken,   but  I worked that pool like a mad man for a bit over an hour.  I was stoked when I got there and it was empty,  I thought  "this can't  be right no one is here"   I fished there for like 20 minutes.   Walked down to the Paradise and then came back and tried again for an hour.     Swung a SRS and a bugger for a bit too.   Hit  mid pool down and then swung towards the tail too.   Not a tap.   Those are the breaks though.
I guess that' s why  I did not know the names of the other pools

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