2013/04/01 15:57:12
Clint S
This ain't no joke.   I am off to Rachacha to watch Billie Jo and  Green Day kick some****
2013/04/01 16:31:31
Pictures or it did n't happen
I did n't go out today,stayed around the house and played with grand daughter and took the dogs for a walk.Tomorrow is the start of a four day streak of fishing.
2013/04/01 17:35:06
Lucky and I went for the inland trout opener.
He went I think 0 for 5 + a foul hooked fish.
I was a dismal 0 for 1.
Good day none the less.
We will pay for believing we are still young mountain goats.
My feet and legs are on fire and I don't see it getting better before it gets worse.
Thanks Chuck it was a blast.
2013/04/02 10:42:13
Clint S
Well I only have a crappy flip phone so none of the videos turned out and the photos kind of suck.   We were a little closer than this looks.   They played for almost 2.5 hours and sang alot of old and new songs.   As usual they put on a good show, but alot the same stuff went on as previous shows.   Dowsing the audience with a squirt gun,  toilet paper cannon and bringing alot of folks on to sing along with them.  I will say is is by far not the best show they have put on I have seen.   Must be tough to perform sober   Feeling a bit old as there were more 30 and 40 year olds than teens and 20'sthere.   Some of these folks really need to learn that they can't and should not try to dress like they are 18, to each their own though.  
Drove home in a snow storm that was so bad I missed my exit on the thruway.
To all that see the pics too big and sideways I did resize and turn them , but sometimes it takes an hour or so for Photobucket to keep up.
2013/04/04 07:43:04
The local reviewer said about the same thing as you, Clint.  I would have been really out of place at a concert like that.  I'll save my listening for Dr John, free on the street, the opening night of the Rochester International Jazz Festival, June 21, or Delbert McLinton, the next night.
2B, I was 0 for 6 + a lassoed fish, but who's counting!
2013/04/04 16:05:30
I know I know!
What is you were Alex.
I'll take what am I doing after work tomorrow for $1000.
Or an album cover for $1000.
 Or us that anal bum cover.

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