2013/03/30 09:51:35
The gauge at pineville is 512 cfs... todays minimum water level record was back in 1995 at a flow of 476 cfs... they really emptied that reservoir the last thaw we got... normally it wouldve just kept filling with the amount of snow up on the tug but its just been such a cold dry early spring so far
2013/03/30 12:19:10
Well I hope there is lots of rain for the next several months so come Sept they can run some water,already looking forward to it.
2013/03/30 13:14:48
hot tuna
do you think it will hit 285-335 before 2,000 ? I'm confused ..  Hear there is tons of snow in the Tug ?  Seems to me they have been doing a fine job on the water mngt..
Now I'll high jack db's thread:
Jack while I thank you for the report, BITE your tongue with all that rain nonsense..lol It will come and we don't need the Hudson to BLOW out right as the Stripers are coming.. The Hudson takes a while to settle down when she gets angry..
If you really want to send a message, tell them yakers to go ride the bubble on the Indian or Upper Hudson rivers.. Leave the water for the Salmon !!  LMAO..
Ah well, at least you got a tug yesterday.. Not even a sniff in the sport or Hudson for me and Yard Work today
Happy Egg hunting tomorrow Everyone :)
2013/03/30 13:38:51
Jack im with you...at this point bring on the rain. 1995 just about holds every minimum flow record of most days of the year. Would hate to see a below 100 cfs salmon season as most of 95 was.
Last sunday there was plenty of snow in the tug... snow banks were up and over street signs in many areas. Im sure most of that is still there. Its going to be interesting to see how the cookie finally crumbles. Gonna get another bout of 30's for highs and 20's for lows... but after that we may be in for a change. Change can be good... been hearing about some blatant ripping and snagging going on... higher water would put a damper on that
2013/03/30 13:59:26
retired guy
Too much rain- 3 years ago --blowout Fall season
 Too little rain- last year- most never made it up top.
 Personally I hope for an AVERAGE season-some good days some bad - overall OK.
2013/03/30 15:14:36
hot tuna
don't confuse a flow gauge on a dam controlled river with water tables oh wise one ..lol
keep those rains for later on once things start to dry up, still very much mud season here
2013/03/30 15:36:50
As long as it rains may and June all is normal.
Ground is saturated at this point and seeping as it should.
So now to hijack the hijack.
What was the truck in the driveway of casa de Dimebrite on Fri?
Were you there?
Didn't see any movement.
Trying to post some driveby photos but photosuckit blows chunks.
Taking 10 minutes to resize images.
Gonna hafta find a better host
2013/03/30 16:18:23
Two bizzy, did you do a suicide run without telling anyone? Somethimg tells me you just woke up from an all night nender at one of the local urinals....????? Lol ;)

Truck gelled up back in december and havent moved it since... been a month since we plowed as well... sooner than later it'll all be gone... now wheres your fishing report gold dangit!!!!!

Water tables???? Ground barely even froze this year at all... water tables are high... just waiting for a soaker to turn them muddy then green ;)
2013/03/30 17:17:58
Clint S
If it was at You Guys live it up while you can..........
2013/03/30 20:31:36
Im gonna hijack my own thread back

With a 285 starting at midnight tonight... probably gonna brake the minimum recors tomorrow and for days to come by the looks of the reservoir level... id say poor management on the water managements part... can anyone remember 285 in april ever??? Especially after a such a wet late fall leading in to a wet winter...

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