Well- the roller coaster ride here in Ct over gun control continues-
This week the State finally came out with some long awaited particulars on Sandy Hook- featuring numbers on ammo and guns seized from the Nuts home ,car and person.
Great timing ???? Geee I wonder how that happened ??? The harsh Ct gun bill comes up in the legislature next week. Gotta wonder how that mandated 'turning in' of some guns will go ???
Its in all the papers- some with several related articles on the same thing complete with all the antis having another go round with their agendas. Most papers are giving no press at all to the gun owner side.
Its a free for all ,pile on one side party seemingly well orchestrated to influence State reps voting next week.
I fear we legit, honest gun owners are in for a very rough time here. Some of us may well become overnight crooks for the first time in our lives.
Hope common sense prevails but there is a nagging sensation that tells me to toss that thought- lol.