2013/03/01 20:22:15
Getting colder again!
Good luck, HT.
2013/03/16 11:00:09
retired guy
The Committee on Gun legislation and the Gov here in Ct just made recommendations that make Fienstein look like a Tea Party activist.
 Ny is the new Northeast conservative state if this stuff gets passed.
2013/03/16 11:49:15
Trevor,  Talk about biting the hand that feeds.  Connecticut has enough financial problems.  They are only going to compound the problem if the gun industry leaves the state. 
2013/03/16 13:44:01
retired guy
   I never agreed with that position in Ct which is called the 'Armory of the US' because of all our firearm manufacturers. That changed for me last week when Colt shut down and entire shift and bussed all the workers to the Capitol building for a demo by employees . Real big message there.
 They are presently calling for confiscation ,after a short grace period, here of anything 'capable ' of 10 rounds or  more- pistols and long guns.
  'Capable' is a big word cause the press reported nothing bout plugs and altered magazines. Or for that matter stuff on the market that could add capability to a gun initially sold with a lesser capacity- like an extended shotgun tube or magazine. which could easily alter initial capabilities. Gotta read between some lines with these folks. AGENDAS. EX- an Ar with a 5 shot mag is still on the illegal list because of capabilities.
  The Gov said No confiscation- he  wants each gun registered. Probably some twisted logic where he thinks that makes him on 'our' side.
    Said that they will allow manufacturers to continue making the guns even though they will be illegal to own or sell here.
. That hasnt gotten any good words from the manufacturers . Seems the State  tried to have it both ways but nobody is falling for it. $$$$
 Never thought owning Dads old .22 semi would make me a crook in this Country.
 Startin to wonder if those I previously thought were 'out there' with ravings bout complete Govt confiscation are all that wrong. Gonna be a close call on some stuff here.
 "one small step"------- ( never in my life did  I even consider a time where I would  think like this  here in the US)
2013/03/16 14:53:29
When our new Secretary of State, John Kerry, voices his support of the UN ban on firearms you have to wonder where it will lead.  Another strike against the Constitution and the 2nd amendment.
2013/03/17 10:56:01
retired guy
Imagine if they used this same philosophy with cars- Nothing allowed  that is 'capable' of speeds over 65. Then go further by deciding which ones 'look fast' --lol.
 Yep-If reports are correct - keep the .45 with the 8 shot mag and give up the .22 with the 10 shot mag. Big thinkers came up with this stuff  lol
 Hey wait a minute- this is the Sate with the largest per capita debt in the nation.  Larger even than the oft mentioned one in Cal.
 What the heck did I expect----------
2013/03/17 11:01:27
Don't think for one second that that is not a possibility.  All things will eventually be under the purview and control of government.
2013/03/17 11:10:43
retired guy
Even if this stuff does not get passed and some watered down version does the message for the future is there. Handwriting on the wall---
  After a lifetime of Public Service -which continues even now right here-- Wife and I discussed Texas or the Carolinas last night. Never in my wildest dream did I ever expect to consider this. Real discussion bout moving away from friends and family based on continued FREE lifestyle..
  Of course I could become a backdoor criminal and just continue on - many many will do just that and hope the Supreme Court changes things before they get caught. Or simply not give a $hit anymore.

 I hear more shots from Poachers out back every Fall than the couple of permit holders. No licenses - no seasons- no orange clothing -no half hour before or after sunset- no  regs at all and  no gun restrictions----thinkin  about it. 
2013/03/17 11:18:44
Hang onto those guns,we may need them to go to DC to take our freedom back from the socialists.Sounds drastic,but it might come to that.
And screw their control laws,how are they going to enforce them when they can't keep the guns from the criminals.
2013/03/17 11:36:23
retired guy
If somebody actually had the funding and manpower ( none do but 'cherry picking' examples and making publicized arrests would have impact)) to sit back and research manufacturers and Store sales lists for the past they could come up with ownership of non conforming guns- If ya tellem ya sold it they would ask for the required  transfer forms and ya would get pinched with or  without the gun or that form for non compliance.
 If your gun was bought VERY long ago or came down through the family or was just bought from - 'hey you' or somebody who has passed on - you will likely skirt the records. Unless 'hey you' knows who you are and is approached.
 We commonly did those searches when I was L/E and they came back pretty quick with the help of ATF however a huge influx of requests would boggle the system.    
      YES-- your actual purchase records already exist- Nationally- Part of the license requirement for dealers is to keep and record and submit those records.- Guns are easily tracked from place of origin to dealer to buyer --
  Hence my pooh poohing those NO record keeping arguments we hear of so much with background checks. If the sale has been  recorded for decades now -its late in the game to argue bout the background check leading to that sale lol.  Old news.

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