Tuna- havent read the whole 'new deal' in Ny yet. Just some highlights. Much was the way it already is here in CT. Actually there was little that Obama suggested that has not been the rule here for some time. That said I fear black guns and clip requirements will be severely restricted in most places..Ny wont be alone.
Our Gov is trying to initiate new restrictions here because the Legislatures panel is taking too long- they are having public 'words over it too -lol. Gun controll laws arent all that idiotic when time is taken to really look into facts VS hype.
Ny gun folks got really screwed IMHO cause your reps did one of the quickest knee jerks in the whole country- chalk one up for the antis.
I LOVED it when the NY clip capacity eliminated all the PD clips overnight. NY back stepped saying the Cops were not included in the legislation. Then nobody could find a provision saying that- lol.
Would really like to hear some of your particulars since I am on the verge of getting my' Homeland Security' retired cop pistol permit . Unlike a regular State permit which may or may not be reciprocal ( in NY and Mass. my Ct State permit is no good so I'm landlocked) its Nationally recognized by virtue of the Federal laws but ya gotta go by local restrictions when moving around.
Also interested in particular rifle or Muzzel restrictions when going hunting up to my place.
State by State its gonna likely be a real mess for law abiding Hunters moving around in the future.
Ct for example has had a background check law for years. Gotta wait days if you want a gun. The only exception is if you have a Ct pistol permit- with that your background is considered already done and you can buy and carry.
Trapping- boating-bow hunting - gun hunting -all require completion of a State course of a few days each to participate in. Pistol permits also require much further background checking and and course participation.
Our clip size limits were 'twilighted' in the old law and have come back to large clips but are most certainly likely to mirror the Ny restrictions soon.
The next generation will NOT be able to do what we do the way we do it.