2013/05/10 21:50:54
retired guy
Andy - those things are draped over the step ladder by the garage door- Your neighbor was right there checking me out too -lol. ( nice guy)
   Got in Wed bout 3 PM and took a look at the river- low  conditions and very few fishermen spread from Pulaski to the Zone. Went to my place and mowed in a slow kinda misty drizzel- not even enough to really wet the ground.
  Thursday walked about a mile down and then back up my favorite little stream in the world, didnt expect much and wasnt disappointed.  NO Steel seen in low clear conditions- never wet a line. Many more beds than my decent trip a few  weeks ago when they were only spawning here and there. 
   Glad to see all the beds - missed it but clearly they came in during the past couple of weeks did their thing and bugged out. Was really glad to see those beds kinda in all the right places and in decent numbers -figure they came up during the high water on the main river.
  That was enough for me this trip-just knowing they came in kinda decent was enough- really enjoyed that little stream with or without fishes. Finished mowing and bugged out this Am,-
   Most of the lots only had bout one car each this AM. 
   Pretty much the end. Typical mid May -likely some here and there still but bout over IMHO.
 Highs in mid 60s for the past couple of  days - cept for Wed -nice and Sunny out- not like the weather reports said it would be- of course.
2013/05/10 23:06:52
RT, just grabbed em today. Thanks buddy and too bad i missed ya. I see you keep your fishing boots like i do... there was a rats nest in one of them...lol... funny story... about five years ago i went to put on a pair of old neoprenes that had been laying around for years. I was so psyched to wear them as it was an abnormally cold early december morning at 3 degrees. I always put my boots on at the truck or before ileave but for some odd reason this time i came up with the idea of putting them on down by the water. As i slip these old stream line five mils on one of the boots were packed... i turn them upside down to find a rats nest stuffed with insulation, rat **** and gathered food... disgruntled i emptied it out and slipped them on to find they leaked like a civ... i couldnt help but laugh at that point...

It wasnt that bad though with yours... just seemed like some gathered food... again, thanks for the most generous gift bud... they will be used heavily by my boy
2013/05/10 23:58:31
retired guy
Shizamm= they been hanging in the mud room for a  long time. Glad the mice were not home.
 Took me bout forever to rid the place of them- It had been empty for quite a while when I got it- lol.
  Traps -glue pads- used them all- the best, and what eventually did the job, is those electric sound wave things ya plug into the wall sockets. Leave the sockets live year round and plug those little devils in- - no mo mousies.  Well ---at least within socially acceptable limits.
 WARNING= they make your dog go nuts.
2013/05/11 07:57:29
Get a pet Black Snake......no more rodents
2013/05/13 07:25:31
was up 11 and 12
caught a couple down low on the river
had a great time dispite some interesting weather....next time gotta leave the jack russel at home...she kept killing my mouse eaters, the little mutt killed a black snake and 2 garters while i was cutting the grass
2013/05/13 09:04:28
Glad to hear you hit some bear... im sure the harsh change in weather screwed em up a little though

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