Andy - those things are draped over the step ladder by the garage door- Your neighbor was right there checking me out too -lol. ( nice guy)
Got in Wed bout 3 PM and took a look at the river- low conditions and very few fishermen spread from Pulaski to the Zone. Went to my place and mowed in a slow kinda misty drizzel- not even enough to really wet the ground.
Thursday walked about a mile down and then back up my favorite little stream in the world, didnt expect much and wasnt disappointed. NO Steel seen in low clear conditions- never wet a line. Many more beds than my decent trip a few weeks ago when they were only spawning here and there.
Glad to see all the beds - missed it but clearly they came in during the past couple of weeks did their thing and bugged out. Was really glad to see those beds kinda in all the right places and in decent numbers -figure they came up during the high water on the main river.
That was enough for me this trip-just knowing they came in kinda decent was enough- really enjoyed that little stream with or without fishes. Finished mowing and bugged out this Am,-
Most of the lots only had bout one car each this AM.
Pretty much the end. Typical mid May -likely some here and there still but bout over IMHO.
Highs in mid 60s for the past couple of days - cept for Wed -nice and Sunny out- not like the weather reports said it would be- of course.