2013/05/01 11:09:46
The Wold Leek ( Ramp) exudes out of your skin when you eat a bunch . -- What purification takes place ? - What heavy metals & other toxins does it bring through the skin & pores right along with it? -- Medical Science is highly unlikely to even explore this - Drug company huge profits are the motivation for the research of today & the Drug Companies would not be able to charge you $500/ Month for a bottle of Leek Pills . Wild Ramps are SOOoo numerous! - To make Leek Dip ( grocery store leeks are NOT the same at all) - Take about 20 cleaned leeks ( like in the picture) -- Throw them in a food processor with a bag of shredded sharp Cheddar - some cream cheese - a splash of milk & blend until very smooth -- Then -- Triple Hee - Live - Git out yer Ritz Pilgrim - Action!!!
2013/05/09 21:35:01
Spent about 15 minutes and filled two 5 gallon buckets full tonight.

2013/05/09 23:27:48
picked a grocery bag full of mushrooms yesterday and a bag of ramps too. made mushroom gravy, country fried steak and lots of fried mushrooms. invited he new inlaws down and we all ate like kings.

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