2013/04/21 19:34:26
I think my record is 7 species in one day from the Shenango, and I've caught more than 7 out of there(but not in one day).  One of the best multispecies fisheries I know of. 

Highlight was a cast into the plume and drift and something Large slender and brownish hooked up and ran me for about 5 minutes. I was assuming it was a Musky for the size and brownish color but it could have been a large pike. Anyone know of any Musky in Shenango? Needless to say I wasn't expecting the fishing to be as great as it was.

I've caught them both out of there.  Pike far outnumber the 'skis, but they're in there. 
I fished it for a little bittoday.  Wasn't really planning on fishing at all today because of a long day of steelheading yesterday(cross the border and you'll find the fishies) but I just had to get out today since the weather was nice.  Nothing crazy but I caught a handful of trout.  And I reminded myself of why I rarely fish it in the month of April.  It was packed. 

2013/04/22 01:18:32
How do you go about running a drift at that dam and what do you use?
2013/04/22 10:10:34
I was up on the wall (no waders this trip) and I just hucked it into the gate plume and let the current drift it. Probably could drift with a floating jig head too but I didn't have any. Just inprovised. Pretty hard to avoid snagging on the low head dam at the end of the outflow pool with that current I got hung up a few times.
2013/04/22 13:01:28
what is the "low head dam at the end of the outflow pool" you speak of?
I have always wondered what the underwater topography was like next to the wall..
2013/04/22 15:03:39
Okay. Were you throwing regular-sized minnows or bigger ones?
2013/04/22 15:34:17
Maybe he means that underwater thing that crosses the river in the outflow pool????  I guess it can resemble a lowhead dam, but it's entirely underwater. 
2013/04/22 20:29:23

Maybe he means that underwater thing that crosses the river in the outflow pool????  I guess it can resemble a lowhead dam, but it's entirely underwater. 

That's what I am talking about.  I don't know if they have a name or not but I always refer to it as a lowhead dam (best description to me at least)  Aside from the obvious it's under water.   And B****1990 they were mediums from what the price/title at the bait shop was.
2013/04/23 05:07:18
That's the current breaker wall. Keeps the bottom from being gouged out from all the pressure building from the outflows. It goes across the dam end to end and is completly under water. Yea it will snag up the best gear you got ! Very deep on the oppisite side.
2013/04/23 09:34:35
Very deep on which side? I assume the dam side but the water doesn't seem that deep right over the edge, unless I'm very easily mislead which is possible. I was assuming only 3-5' depth for the whole pool but I guess I'm wrong. I'm really curious now. I guess it would have to be fairly deep to hold trout and other species that don't tolerate very warm water well...
2013/04/24 11:22:31
are there any pictures, or maps of this wall?
im just curious
shenango outflow is snag city!
i only fish very shallow baits there, or cheap garage sale lures

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