2019/12/31 20:18:03
hot tuna
We were on Minerva lake in chestertown ny that had 11" .
I've been on copake lake well south of adks this week on 5 "
I'm heading to queechy lake tomorrow in berkshires with 5" still holding after the rains.
The difference to me driving wise is 20 minutes or 2 hrs. I'm still good to go on the 20 min run right now
2019/12/31 23:02:34
hot tuna,Big difference from there to here in South Western Penna. where we are still fishing open water. Good luck.  sam
2020/01/01 09:59:30
hot tuna
Happy 2020 folks.
Today turned out to be a complete bust. Was told the lake had 5" ice from someone that checked yesterday. Went to bed early last night, woke up early today. Get to lake at daybreak and it looked ugly. All grey.
So we unloaded anyway and yes , right at shore there was about 4" ice. 10 feet out and the spud bar goes right through in 2 whacks. I'm crazy for fishing but not a fool to risk my life or put others in danger.
Reloaded all my gear and headed back home as the morning is shot for any distance traveling to find good ice another hr out of the way.

This weather pattern is terrible and not much better in the upcoming week.
One thing for sure is I have to head NORTH..
2020/01/01 10:05:15
Happy New Year, HT.

Better ice days are coming but please, keep the cold weather muup north.

Good times and tight lines.

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