2019/10/02 16:50:49
Today was about the same as before.I find the fish are line shy,I tried a heavier tippet today and not a hit,so I went down to 8lb and had a lot of hits,the only problem was break offs.I had 15-20 on but none to hand.Tomorrow is another day!!
2019/10/02 17:46:18
I think we ought to chip in and keep you up there, Jack. That way these reports keep coming.  You've landed  boatloads in your time,  doesn't really matter- the battles do. 
  How many guides are that hard up to run a boat down on the weekend?  If I was a client I'd be demanding my money back right about the tail of the barrel. 
2019/10/02 20:20:48
Clint S
I went today to 3 spots,  in town, mid river and LFZ . All produced the same results zilch. Honestly there were a few fish seen at each place but not numbers. I saw the most on gravel in shallow water during walks, but the rippers were making short work of them. A few boats went by and told me the same with fish being around , but not in huge numbers.  Fishing was difficult as I had to do it with my off hand due to my elbow still barking.
2019/10/03 11:01:23
Mixed reports are becoming the norm this week--even from the business community up there.
After a kinda early start that seemed to preclude a banner year there has been no big runs and now seem to be downsizing into - as one guide said- a trickle.
Some places haven't even posted reports for a few days after years of daily reporting.
Stuff like 'they are spread throughout the river but thin'  are right up there with the old 'the regulars are getting some' and' the fish are in the river' reports of old --lol.
Too bad -thats fishing- but after the usual pre run talk of huge fish in huge numbers--- this aint it.
Still plenty of time for IT to happen- but that window aint open forever.
Without something real good happening by today the upriver place I prefer will be worth a look but am not holding out any real high expectations for early next week..
Hope to be proven wrong---but then a day of fishing beats anything -even without those big run  memory days.
2019/10/03 14:15:41
Was at my same spot today and had 3 on but all broke off,there was some fish movement but not what I would expect for this time period.After I took a break I looked at the LFZ by the church pool and it was EMPTY of anglers, no one on both sides.What does that tell you?The weather might be affecting the fishing today,very raw with a NE wind I never have much luck with a NE wind.
2019/10/03 18:12:56
hot tuna
This is what your river views mean to me...
The lake fishing has been absolutely fantastic the last 2-3 years. This my friends is firsthand information.
Now if you believe that there is more predators than forage, blah.
The predator base, besides lake trout is lower than it has been . Some want you to believe that natural reproduction is increasing the predator population , poopy, chock.. this is a ploy..

The fishery was created for the lake charters and they are having their day. With fewer fish, the trib angler are getting the short stick and if L-13 is correct with bigger cuts, the river guys will take a much bigger hit
2019/10/03 18:47:27
A few years back we had a run that really didn't get much further than Pineville -upriver and the zones never really got going at all.
Lots of lower river spawning-is this that return??
As I recall that was a year of low water and they MAY have had to get some from the Black for egg take, at least there was folks concerned about it. 
IMHO the runs of the past few years haven't really spread out over a longer time frame as folks thought was going to happen but have gotten smaller.
Heck when I started ya could stand down in what later became the DSR and look downriver at what seemed to be a big hailstorm hitting the water.
Hail?? - nope FISH TAILS by the thousand coming up. Saw it often too.
I know--- that was low but even upriver when they spread pods of many came past, now a pod is 3 to 4 fish.
Not trying to doom and gloom but when ya can call and get a room at this time of year and the motel has a number of openings and then find the LFZ empty of fisherfolks a week later --something aint right.
2019/10/03 19:09:39
They will have no problem getting eggs,hatchery is loaded.
2019/10/03 19:13:38
Glad about the hatchery- happy you are hitting some and appreciate the reports.
2019/10/04 13:05:03
Today was VERY SLOW ,did not have a single Salmon on but did land two 12-14" Browns and one 10" steel/rainbow,that is it for this year,heading home early tomorrow.

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