Could you possibly imagine the fiscal impact on the Pulaski area with no river fishery ??
Gas stations, eateries, hotel/motels, tackle shops, DSR, guide services, etc. are all generally business on a certain profit percentage and one bad season will close them.
Also the 'down the line' services like grocery stores, package stores and local tax base impacts leading to property tax issues will be severely impacted.
When business leaves suddenly the homeowners are stuck with a larger percentage of school and local tax responsibilities not to mention some will move from the area with fewer job opportunities when the fishery closes leaving even fewer to have to pony up for local expenses.
Look at any community where a major employer has left.
State will loose several thousand fishing tag sales as well.
When and if the fishery responds positively in a few years these places will be gone and others may not be so quick to invest in such a volatile environment at least in the short run.
How many will go back w/o motels or eateries for a few more years.
Also gotta remember that many fisherfolks go up and spend a day on the lake and several on the river- many simply wont be back thus hurting the lake fishery pros to some degree as well..
Many of these places also serve the winter snowmobile community as well as fisherfolks- most don't see that but as a past part time resident I would say its sizeable- but not large enough to keep those places going w/o both the fishery and snow folks.
Just another group who will be gone---
Good luck with all that.
( some of us live a couple of miles from SALT and have big fish alternatives. LOL)
(sold my boat and got the Pulaski place-might hafta reverse the process)