2018/08/05 21:32:17
Going salmon fishing next month Michigan  anyone got old TOTs they want rid of ? 
let me know thanks 
2018/10/10 15:42:59
Thay have them for sell at Gandr mownten. Go by sum.
2018/10/10 17:33:53
You can get them at the movie theater. I think there is abowt 20 in each box. But I dont no why wood you fish with hot n tots coz they mite be two hot for the fishes.
2018/10/11 14:57:55
wow BOTH OXY"s does make you both OXY MORONS ? 
2018/10/16 12:31:35
Wow Pajay. That rime with gae duz that make you gae? Go by your own Hot tots and stop mooching.
2018/10/16 13:38:12
Wow Pajay. That rime with gae duz that make you gae? Go by your own Hot tots and stop mooching.

  PSSSSSTTT OJ, myte wunna b-cairful, OxyBob sayed on  nuther reed, yuuz welcum feesherMan's cum stay at yur traylor.  Jus'sayin.
2018/10/16 18:36:20
mooching ? Hey trailer park boy I don't mooch anything I pay for everything never said give me lures  . But if you & you free cheese buddy  want to let me use your access card that would be cool . I'm sure my tax's are paying for what you have anyhow .  
2018/10/22 12:42:00
Pajay, Thank for providing me with free cheez.  Trowt luv guvenment cheez. It stay on the hook good. If you so rich then why you mooching loors?

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