3 product gear reviews I recommend.
1.cabelas guidewear gortex ice bibs.
I've had theses since 2009 . They are heavy duty bibs then and still going strong. The knee pads are massive, if I could see , even with glasses, I believe it's 150 gram thinsulation. Maybe more. The outside material has been bullet proof with only wear are on knees but that's no issue at all.
The legs double zip up to the hips.
Only complaints would be weight and to warm which are minor and cost. Mine were on sale at $150 in 2009
Next 2 reviews are frailbill 12 jacket and bibs. Both were bought here at clearance but I'd give them a full price worth the product.
The jacket is going on season 4. I wear that thing everywhere from trout to ice, even snowplowing on atv. Has a TON of great features.
Lastly I got the 12 bibs last spring.
They are much lighter then the other ones above but exactly what I wanted. Something in between. Been wearing them for stripers, ice in minus weather and snowplowing.
Good products at reasonable prices to me
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